Prologue: The Beginning

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I ran throughout our fortress, preparing for the incoming attack. I made sure everyone was awake and aware of what to face. They would arrive at dawn, I had to tell everyone, it was his orders. I got my four friends up and alerting others just like how I am. This war has been going on for years, with no sign of stopping. Our leader is growing weary of this fight, which is all the more reason to end this as quickly as possible. To think, that this war all started with some kind of anomaly in space and time, it only draws out my anger even more. I may not speak their language, but they can understand me, and I can understand them somewhat. I am different from everyone else, unlike the others, I have been blessed with the powers from mysterious forces and from beings I do not know. I am strong against everything that stands in my way, but also more vulnerable than everyone as well. I am a key component that cannot be lost. Running across the stone wall, I made my way to others to shake them awake and alert them. Those who were unable to fight had to be put deeper within our stronghold, protected by our other walls. This place has held for over three hundred years, I am not about to let it fall today. Not while our leader is here. I was running to report to my friends that I had aroused everyone, when I heard the blare of our trumpet go off. I ran up to the top of the wall, looking over the field. They were already there. Standing there, ready to charge. There had to be at least five hundred-thousand of them! I ran from the wall, making my way to the armory as quickly as I could, dodging and weaving through others who were either heading out into the field, or heading deeper into the wall for protection. Reaching the armory, I grabbed my armor and started strapping it onto myself. I grabbed my personal weapon of choice for this battle, no one was going to set foot inside this place and leave alive. A scythe, given to me personally and enhanced by our great leader to drain the life of anyone who would be foolish enough to stand in my way. My scythe gave me strength whenever I wielded it. I would use this strength to hold this spot this day. Just as I was about to head out into the field, one of my comrades burst through the door.

"Sir, our leader urgently requests that you meet with him at his room in the palace, right away!" He shouted out over the running of the other men to the field.

"I'm on it." I replied. He cleared the way and I dashed towards the palace, the gates opening up when they saw me heading towards them. I ran as fast as I could. If our leader needed me at the palace during a battle, it would be urgent. Climbing the steps, I got to the top of the palace and the guards let me through recognizing who I was. "Where is our leader?" I said to one of the servants.

"He's down the corridor down there on the last door to your left." The servant replied pointing the way. I made my way down the corridor as quickly as possible, getting to the door and slamming it open.

"My lord, you sent for me?" I said stepping in. He raised his wing, which looked like a giant red and black arm, signaling me to keep my voice down. The room was black, except for one candle which emitted in the darkness like a beacon. Even then, the room was black with his aura all around the room.

"Caius, listen closely." My leader said quietly. Our leader, Yveltal, was the only one who knew my name besides my friends and a few others. If he called me by my real name, it was indeed urgent. He was also one of the only ones that could speak my language fluently. "The day has come; this fortress will not stand to see another day." Yveltal remarked facing me. I stood in shock. This place had been standing for over three hundred years, how would it fall today? Surely, we had the advantage here.

"How? This is the best stronghold there is! Nothing could break past these walls!" I said defiantly.

"Please, let me finish." Yveltal said raising his wing once more. "Their leader has come personally to see the destruction of this place. With him, they will fight until they all die, none will be willing to be taken as captives. We do not have the strength to keep them back. They will overtake us and conquer this fortress."

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