Chapter 18: Last Minute Actions

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As we arrived back with the group and made our way to where Basant was leading us, I told him about why Ayah calls Caius Dad, or Daddy. Basant looked back at Caius with a bit more understanding, although I kinda left out the part where he threw a Tyrantrum about Alvar, for reasons. Ayah took this in rather well, although she didn't want to talk for a while. I guess Caius had never told her about Alvar, I guess that's a bit understandable considering what he went through to make sure Ayah was safe. Lilith asked if she could hold onto his scythe for a while. He was fine with it, mainly because he wanted to hold onto Ayah for a while. As we walked down a short corridor, Basant showed us into a large room. As we walked in, we were amazed to see that Mordred, Reshiram, Groudon, Zekrom, as well as a few others, which I assumed were generals. There was Mordred's second in command, Alfrick, a Haxorus and a Noivern on both sides of Zekrom, guessing that those were the generals, a Golem and a Togekiss beside Groudon, and a Hydreigon as well as a Dragalge sitting beside Reshiram. There were some seats that were empty, I guess for the six of us and for Basant.

"Please, take any seat you wish." Basant invited. Kathrin, Carinthia and Lilith all took a seat next to Groudon and Reshiram's generals. Lilith had leaned the scythe against the wall to keep it out of the way. I looked down the long table and saw four seats that I assumed were for Basant and the other generals. The only other seats that were available were right next to Zekrom's generals. I took my seat beside Ayah, being in between Kathrin. Caius, had the "pleasure" to sit next to the Noivern. One look from that Pokémon and I could already tell Caius was going to have a hard time keeping his sanity. Ayah scanned the table in amazement of what food there was. I was doing the same, but more out of hunger. There was Magikarp Sushi, Jumbo Snorlax Jambalaya, Wishiwasha Soufflé, but what really caught my attention was the Combuskin Legs and Scolipede Casserole. There were also some local fruits set around the table for those who would rather eat "vegan" as you all put it. Everyone was already dining down on food. Basant took his place in a seat at the far side of the table, in the four seats I assumed were for him and Xerneas, as well as anyone else. I was about to grab a leg from the plate with the Combuskin legs, but Basant called for our attention. Once he was sure everyone was paying attention, he began.

"I would like to thank everyone for their co-operation today for setting up our stand against the Truett's. We could not have done it without your patience and will to protect all our Pokémon. As you are currently aware, tomorrow is the day that the invasion will begin, but I do not fear that we might fall that day." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mordred smirking. I wanted to find out what he was smiling about, but because of his little gift, I couldn't even make out what he was thinking. "Neither should any of us, because if we do fall, we will return to our maker, and when we return, we shall return with the vengeance of Arceus and smite anyone who dares to threaten the peace we have worked so hard to establish. But for tonight, feast, and be ready to take on the forces tomorrow. I know that we all shall fight well and for the right cause." Everyone let out a "Here here!" Then continued to eat the food before them. I got my Combuskin Leg and a big piece of the Scollipede Casserole. Caius helped Ayah with some of the fruits first, then once she was done with that, handed her a Combuskin leg as well. I have one thing to say about how quickly Ayah dined down on that thing. I've never seen any other Pokémon chew their food and strip it to the bone so quickly. I think that caught the attention of everyone as she started gnawing on the bone within a minute of getting it. I tried my best to ignore it and continued eating. As I was eating a piece of the casserole, I heard a question from across the table.

"So human," the Hydreigon began, "what got you qualified to be a general?" Caius looked up at the Hydreigon.

"Personal training." Caius replied swallowing a piece of jambalaya.

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