Chapter 22: One Memorable Day

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So, I'm finally given the chance to speak up on this story. About time too, if I was to be held back by another chapter I swear I was going to strangle Caius until he consented to let me. My name is Carinthia, and I'm the force of this team. Or at least, I would be if Caius would stop being so headstrong about everything he does. I swear, he gets one thought in his head and he's convinced it's the only way it can be done, but I'm getting off track here. This is my time to shine and tell my part of the story. For those of you who really want to do the math, I am ninety-two years old, and I think the oldest out of our group. Sorry if I'm not being to filling on facts, but I like to be that way. Anyways, when we woke up from resting from the battle, all of us had seen that Caius and Ayah were visibly shaken by something. When Sarah asked what was wrong, he said that it was just a nightmare, but he couldn't fool me. Me thinks that he's hiding something. I let it slide though, mainly because I was still too drowsy to deal with questioning him at the time. Our morning consisted of trying our best to repair the city walls from the battle last night. I saw Caius with Ayah for the most part, making sure she was doing okay. When noon-day arrived, we were ready for our little chat with Xerneas. After being paid for our services, we made our way towards the capitol we were escorted by Basant towards the meeting hall instead of Xerneas' room for some reason. Once we entered the room, we were a bit astonished to see Xerneas, Yveltal, as well as the three lake guardians, and Giratina, who gave me chills just looking at him. Of course, Mordred was standing beside him, which made the situation all the more eventful.

"Glad to see you all made it." Xerneas said as we entered the room. Caius took a look around in confusion.

"I thought this was just going to be between the six of us." Caius said.

"That will be for later, but there is a matter that has popped up." Xerneas replied.

"What's happened?" I asked. "Is it the Truett's again?"

"No." Xerneas replied.

"Let's just say that we're all going on a little trip to the past." Mordred said chuckling a little bit.

"Would someone please explain?" Sarah asked.

"Certainly." Uxie replied. "It's about the book the six of you brought to Xerneas last night." Uxie had used her Psychic powers to levitate such said book to the center of the meeting room. "This book tells of a certain crystal during an interesting event that your Pokémon seem to call "The Loss of Karma." I am hoping that this book is entirely true."

"And it is." Yveltal said. "I put everything about my Pokémon from the time I became their leader. And even further than that."

"If I may ask, why did you do such a thing?" Azelf questioned.

"For two reasons." Yveltal replied. "One, in case anything should happen to my Pokémon during this war that results in our eradication." I could see that those words were a bit hard for Caius to swallow. "And two, to prove that I'm being serious about this matter."

"And I believe he is being completely serious." Xerneas replied.

"Yes, why else would he give explicit details on all his cities?" Giratina questioned.

"As well as his own personal weaknesses?" Xerneas added. I saw Yveltal give an uncomfortable shiver.

"Yes." Yveltal said uncomfortably. We had already started our way up the staircase to the top. For once, I was eye level with our nervous leader. "But can we proceed with what we intended to do?"

"If that is what's desired." Xerneas replied. "But the book contains a certain passage about such said event. Something about a crystal."

"The same crystal that we have retrieved from the battle at Balachandra." Yveltal added.

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