N E V E R•Part 9

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    It was late at night. I had just gotten off the phone with my dad and sister.

    Lynne kept blowing up my phone telling me to come to a party. Some boy named Kyle was hosting it or whatever.

    Sighing I hesitantly agreed, just to stop her nagging. I was fitted into some skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Just because it was a party didn't mean i was gonna go all skimpy and fit myself into something uncomfortable.

    I decided to walk there, seeing as Lynne had texted me when she wad already at the party and wasnt gonna leave just to pick me up.

    As soon as she had texted me the addressi left my knocked out drunken mother in the house and left.

    I didnt care too much of my appearance, my hair greasy and in a knot of curls and my clothes unwashed.

    Honestly the sight of me was dreary.

    After about 10 minutes of walking in absolute darkness with just the light of passing cars and street lights i had approached a house blasting with music.

    People surrounded it, dancing and cheering, flashing lights going on in the inside.

    I sighed, walking to the front door and entering the crowded building.

Jahseh's POV

    "Geneva, no." I gritted through my teeth, anger and hurt flowing through my veins.

    Her soft angelic voice replied, "Jahseh please.. Im sorry.." She pleaded.

    I clutched my cellphone tight, wanting to hang up.

    "You... Broke me.." i choked out, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

    "I know and--" "And nothing." I interrupted her. "Im not stupid Geneva. Im not gonna let you use me again.. Not this time..."
    "Come on! Your album was based like.. Entirely off of me!" She raised her voice, growing impatient.

    "Yeah.. About how you hurt me." I growled before hanging up. My heart pounded with frustration as i can feel a pressure in my heart tightening.. The pain..

    "Damn bro... Bitch comes running back once she sees you doin' good after your album." Ski said, shaking his head.

    "Yeah.." i shrugged, feeling a pang in my heart. She doesnt love me.

    "And what about that girl uh.. What was her name? Wanda or some shit like that." Ski continued.

    "Willow. She's cool." I shrugged.

    "She know about your career and shit?" He questioned.

    "She hasnt said anything about it i mean i aint that well known... If anything im infamous but that dont mean word gets around to everyone." I answered, in deep thought about... Well... Everything.

    "Nigga i just dont get why you stayin' in yo mama house.. You got bread!" Ski trailed on and on but I was lost in my own thoughts.

    It felt like i couldn't breathe. I was so fucking numb and dead inside but the only thing portraying any life was the pain inside of my chest that i had no choice but to carry on with.

    "Yo. Bro." Ski said, snapping me out of my thouguts. "Heard theres a party goin' on.. You with the antics?" Ski smirked.

    I really needed to get drunk after talking to Geneva so... I agreed.


     Me and Ski got to the party, making our way inside and saueezing through the mounds of people.

     Instantly greeted by blasting music and sweaty bodies i began my journey of trying to find the kitchen so i could get drunk and... Forget...

    Ski was already busy grinding with some girls so I knew to just do me for a while.

    After a bit I found the kitchen, a few people were littered in it, conversing. Two girls were making out in a corner very... Sloppily.

    I had made my way over to the counter which held a half empty bottle of vodka and a big bottle of Rum.

    I sighed. "Fuck it." I spoke, grabbing the entire thing as I began to chug it down.

    I felt the liquor slide down my throat leaving behind a burninh sensation but i didnt stop there i kept drinking and kept drinking.

    A circle around me began to form and the music loweredas people began to chant "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" Cheering me on my mission to get so drunk that I could barely remember my name.

    After a few stops and burps i finished the entire bottle. I felt dizzy and disorientated. Everything bacame louder and unclear.

    But that didn't stop me as I reached for the bottle of Rum sitting on the counter.

Willow's POV

     I had been at the party for about 2 hours now. I was bored, Lynne was grinding on some boys so I was sitting there. Alone.

     I sighed, checking the time. It was 1:34 A.M. Im usually never out this late.. And really all i wanted was the comfort of my own bed.

     I stood out and maneuvered my way past glued together dancing bodies and exited the house.

     Of course I had to walk home again seeing as I had no ride and no one in that house was ready to stop partying, especially Lynne that girl was going all in.

    So i began to walk home, feeling the breeze of the night air kiss my skin as I made my walk.

    About 5 minutes into my walk I heard a low raspy voice. "Hey.. Hey princess.." An old skinny dark man appeared from out of the shadows. "Where you goin'.."

    My heart jumped as I started to walk much faster, not replying to him.

    I could hear his footsteps slap the pavement as he jogged to catc h up to me. He grabbed my wrist with a surprising strength seeing as hes basically skin and bones.

    "I said... Where you goin..."

Damnnnn whats gonna happennnnn

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Excuse any mistakes 💖



N E V E R • XXXTentacion/Jahseh OnfroyWhere stories live. Discover now