N E V E R •Part 18

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    I sat up in the dark my back against the wall. I was in the hotel room with my dad, Vance, and Daisy.

    They were all asleep. It was about 2am and my body couldnt stop fucking shaking. I feel anger and anxiety and it feels like my heart is about to fucking pound out of my chest.

    I quickly took out my phone and texted Jahseh.

Me 2:42am- yo you up?
Jahseh 2:44am- yeah, whats up?
Me 2:44am- im coming over.
Jahseh 2:46- at this time? Why?
Me 2:46am- dont worry about it. Omw.
Jahseh 2:46am- bet

    I took a deep breath and stood up slowly but quietly. It was dark as fuck in the room so i tried to maneuver as best as i could at the moment and blindly felt my way towards the door.

    Soon i felt the silver doorknob slip in my hand and my breath hitched for a moment and i hesitated. Was i really about to do this? Its impulsive.... Eh... Fuck it..

    I unlocked the door and turned the doorknob slowly-- slowing down with each hinge and squeak the door made as my heart jumped and i worried about waking my dad up.

    I slipped out the door and shut it quietly and began making my way to Jahseh's house.

    It was dark outside. A few stars in the sky here and there but in florida the street lights were so far apart for some damn reason. My mind drifted off to what happened the night of the party...

    I gulped and clutched my chest as beads of sweat travelled down my forehead. I never wnated to go through something like that again... The fucking nightmares and panic attacks...

    I breathed in and out for a moment before continuing. I had to use the gps on my phone because i had no idea hoe to get there from the hotel.

    I typed in Jahseh's address and groaned. His house was fucking 36 minutes away walking!! I didnt have a car to use so really i was just fucking stuck walking.

    Anger eroded within me. I decided to calm down and pay my dues and walk the damn distance. I just hope that my dad and Vance don't notice im missing before i make it there.

At Jahseh's place

    I finally arrived. A breath of air escaped my lips as i smiled.

    I ran up to his door and knocked violently. A few moments later a very tired Jahseh opened the door-- rubbing his eye.

    I jumped in his arms and gave him the biggest hug ever. "Woah.. I literally saw you earlier today why so happy?" He complained. He always complains when hes tired.

    Without wasting another single second i grabbed jahseh by the wrist and dragged him in his house and into his room and we sat down on his bed.

    I quickly explained to him everything that went down and how i was being forced to move out of Florida. He nodded and listened to my words a look of concern written on him.

    "So i want you to run away with me." I finished. His facial expression changed from concerned to what the fuck are you talking about you crazy bitch?

    "Run away together?? Willow are you fucking crazy!!" Jahseh raised his voice a bit but not that much brcause we both knew Cleo was getting her rest.

    "Please Jahseh, just think avout it--" he cut me off. "I have a music career, a little brother in the hospital, and a mother who needs me!" Jahseh said-- his mind made up.

    "I cant be alone in this.." i whispered, casting my eyes down.

    He sighed. "Just go live with ypur dad. You'll get to live in a fancy mansion and shit and be happy."

    I shook my head. "Whats the problem, Will?" He spoke to me, soothingly, placing his hand on my back and rubbing it in small soothing circles.

    "If i go... I'll have to leave you..." I whispered, my voice cracking.

     He didnt say anything for about a minute or two but then he spoke. "I-- Do you like me or something..."

    I didnt meet his eyes and i looked at my hands which were on my lap and i nodded my head.

    "Wow... Willow... I care about you but this relationship shit isnt for me and--" Jahseh began but i cut him off. "Listen dont worry about it, it was stupid for me to come here-- i'll just go and... I dont know... Figure some shit out.." I whispered as i stood up ready to leave.

    "Willow wait..." I stopped in my tracks and turned around. He paused for a moment as we stared at each other for about a minute. "I'll go with you."

     A big smile on my face appeared as i started to help him pack.

Hope you enjoyed! Excuse any typos i dont proofread as you may know!!!!

A few more chapters left and the book will be over.. ☹☹ Just want to thank you guys for all the reads i appreciate it so damn much!! 💕💕

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