N E V E R• Part 17

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    I sat there fiddling with my thumbs anxiety weighing down on my chest.

    My father and his husband sat across from me in silence while Daisy hugged my leg.

    We were all seated in the living room on the two couches that faced one another.

    It felt like i could barely breathe. The last time i thought about my father? It had been such a fucking long time honestly.

    I remember him calling the day after Aiden got shot to tell me him and Vance got married. I praised him and told him congratulations and that was it. But even in that moment he hadn't crossed my mind.

    "So... How have you been? Its been a while since we've seen you Willow." Vance spoke-- trying to break the silence.

    I forced a smile and looked up at him. "You mean since you and my dad started hooking up and eventually decided to run away together with my little sister leaving me behind with my mom, Ive been fucking fantastic." I said as my eyes watered and my voice cracked.

    Vance suddenly cast his eyes away from me and pressed his lips together in a tight straight line.

    "Dont speak to him that way. Willow you know i love you. This is just who i am why dont you accept me??" My father pleaded with me.

    I scoffed at him. "Dont make this about sexuality because im not fucking homophobic. This is about the fact that you left me here while you and Daisy live in a huge beautiful mansion without me!" I began to raise my voice feeling anger pulse within me and through my blood into my heart and out again.

    My dad opened his mputh to speak but then shut it once again. "Where were you..?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes and remembered what my mom wanted me to say. I always have to feed into everyones fucking bullshit. My dad was only here because he was on a fucking guilt trip about leaving me behind and forgetting my entire damn existence.

     "Volunteering." I spat at him. "Not that im not happy you're here dad but... Why the fuck are you here??" I questioned, growing increasingly impatient.

     "Willow! Dont speak to your father like that! Apologise!" My mother stepped in-- a scrowl on her face. Putting on a show for my father. Its a surprise what a drunk is able to do when it came to motivation and something they want. They can sober up in 2 hours time-- tidy the place up-- make themselves look... Presentable.

    "Its alright Mariana. But to answer your question Willow... Im... Going to try and get full custody of you." He replied in a simple manner.

    "We know about your mom and her status as a caretaker." Vance quickly added on.

    "What?! You're not taking my daughter from me, you already took Daisy!" My mother yelled-- her fists balled up and her face red.

    "We can and we will. Face it. You're a shit mother Mariana. We've had people watch you to make sure you weren't making a complete mess of our daughter and you've been doing exactly that." My dad barked at her-- anger in his eyes.

     "I love her!! How dare you imply that ive been making her into a mess! She gets amazing grades and is beautiful and intelligent! Dont fucking--" My mother began to argue but my father cut her off by holding up a document.

    "You lost Mariana. The judge already granted me temporary custody of Willow. Once you missed the last court date it was over for you." My dad spoke in an extremy calm voice-- his eyes never leaving my mother.

    I looked at my mother and saw her eyes water as her tears began to slip out one by one. I could tell she was trying her hardest to keep it together.

    "Mom... How could you keep this from me...?" I whispered-- my eyes pleading with her wet ones.

    She shook her head in silence and walked away-- shutting herself in her room makimg sure we could hear her door slam.

    "You're not takingme away from mom." I said-- a hard look in my eye.

    "Luckily its not up to you." Avnce replied, eyeing me.

    "How could you and mom keep thia a secret from me?? You guys have already gone to court and shit? What the fuck dad!" My blood was boiling...

    "Frankly it wouldn't have mattered. Pack your things and say goodbye to your mother. We're staying at a hotel for tonight and then we're heading to Beverly Hills in the morning." My dad commanded.

     I scoffed and didnt move. "You arent my fucking father. Im not leaving and thats that." I growled- a scrowl taking a permanent place on my face.

    I wasnt gonna lwave Jahseh. He was going through too much and... I needed him...

    "I promise you. You're fucking going." My dad barked getting ready to grab me.


Short update! I think i have a pretty good idea of where this story is going though. And believe me you're gonna wanna read it 💀💀

Excuse any mistakes/typos i didnt proofread 💕 Ill try and make the next chapter longer but i just had to give an update!

I love you all!!! 💕

N E V E R • XXXTentacion/Jahseh OnfroyWhere stories live. Discover now