N E V E R•Part 10

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*warning this chapter contains triggering scenes*

    "Where do you think you're going..?" His raspy voice spoke, a smirk erupting on his face.

     I gasped, my heart beating incredibly fast, i felt as if i was unable to breathe.

     "Let go of me!!" I panicked, pulling my arm away. That only made his grip tighten.

     "Its okay. I'll make you feel good.." he purred, using his other hand to carress my face softly.

     I felt disgusted. I dont know where his dirty hands have been. I feel the tears start to swell up in my eyes.

    I fought against him. For someone tall and lanky he had a lot of strength on him.

    I began to yell and thrash against his body. He clamped his sweary skinny gand over my mouth, mumbling the cries for help that i emitted.

    He grabbed me and pulled me along, into the building in front of us. It was run down and old, the exterior obviously hadn't been updated in quite some time.

    Weeds ran along the grass as dead flowers littered its plain.

    He dragged me in, a wide smile on his face as tears streamed down my face.

    I couldn't move against his surprising strength. He had finally gotten me inside.

    It reeked of beer and weed. Trash littered the floor and there were broken glass scattered about.

    I couldn't breathe. I was panicking, frightened for my life. Oh gosh what if he kills me after hes done with me??

    My phone!! It was in my pocket i could call the cops and call for help.

    He dragged me into a room, flipping the light on. I scanned the room immediately. Inside laid a dirty stained mattress on the floor and newspapers and roaches scattered around on floor.

    He threw me onto the dirty mattress. "Lets see honey..." He licked his lips looking me up and down.

    Im not sure what he was looking at because i was in a t-shirt and jeans. Nothing revealing. How could this be happening to me?

    He crawled up on top of me, snatching my phone out of my pocket and feeling me up and down. I continously sobbed, trying to push him off of me, wanting this moment to end already.

    "Get off of me!! Stop it!!!" I cried out, not able to see anything through the blur of my tears.

    "Not happening sweetie." He spoke. His daunting eyes burning a hoe through my chest.

     He ripped my shirt off and i sobbed, screaming at the top of my lungs. He smacked me. "No ones gonna hear you bitch, shut the fuck up!" He yelled at me, anger spewing out of him.
     My face stung as i cried out from the pain. He unbottoned my pants and continued to undo his, revealing all that i did not want to see.
     He ripped off my underwear, exposing myself. I gasped, crying, my hands shaking as i tried to cover myself and push him off of me at the same time.

    He pushed me back down and forced himself into me. His strokes hard and forceful. I yelled, screaming out in agony.

    "S-STOP!!" I yelled, crying even harder than i ever had in my entire life...

    I couldn't breathe and my chest had tightened. He wouldn't stop...

    I closed my eyes and stopped screaming. I let him do what he had to do. I laid there. Limp. And i laid there. Numb.
    He had finally finished after about 25 minutes. Doing all that he wanted to me, touching me and whispering these things to me.

    I felt so fucking disgusted... It wanted to die... I felt so.. Fucking unclean...

    He had let me go. He didn't kill me surprisingly. I guess crackheads are more into crack and sex than they're into murder.

    I had made sure to grab my phone on my way out. I sat down on the sidewalk in front of the building, sitting on the pavement in nothing but my jeans and bra seeing as he had ripped my shirt.

    No tears came out. I felt violated.. Disgusted.. Mistreated.. But at the same time? I felt nothing. Nothing at all.

    I could feel the cold air brush my exposed skin as i sat there shaking in the dark.

    "Y-yo you w-were crazyyyy up in there d-dawgggg" A voice echoed out in familiarity.

     I lifted my head up to meet a drunken X and a drunken Ski a couple feet away from me, watching as they stumbled around.

    "Y-you left t-the car bro." Ski hiccuped. X was the first to see me. "Willow! H-heyyyyyy" he slurred, making his way over to me.

    "Nice t-tits, lets fuck." Ski spoke, coming up next to him.

    That word triggered me to all the evented that had occured just moments before, also reminding me that im in my bra.

    I could feel the tears begin to cling to my eyes. I stood up, wanting to go home. "You okay..?" X said, putting his hand up to touch me.

    I flinched away. His head tilted in confusion. "You s-still mad at m-me..?" He asked, his eyes watery.

    I shook my head. "Fuck the b-bitch Jah, C-come on." Ski spoke out, impatient and drunk.

    Jahseh stood there looking at me. Before i knew it i had crumpled into his arms letting out a wrecking sob.

    I was raped.

That was a big turn of events wasnt it?

Please excuse any mistakes i didnt proof read 💕💕





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