.3. Gratitude and Priorities

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"Ah, here's our unexpected saviour!"

The Doctor didn't react, still paralysed with his horrifying discovery and the loss of the TARDIS, which was now completely out of his sight. It was Donna, clutching at his shoulder, who raised her head and saw the actor who had played "Johnnie", pushing his way through the crowd. She recognised his costume, as he removed the mask he had been wearing on stage. He was a slim, handsome young man, with fair hair, a moustache and a beard. His blue eyes seemed to smile all the time.

"You've saved the show, man," he said. "I'm Allan, Allan of York. And the one over there is Thomas of Saint Giles."

He pointed at another young man, also picking his way across the square.

The Doctor started, with a hiss of irritation.

"Where have they taken her?" he asked sharply. "A blue box, have you seen where they've taken it?"

"To... the castle?" Allan, taken by surprise, shrugged his shoulders.

"Right, let's go to the castle!"

"Oi, hey, hold your horses!" The actor opened his arms as if really trying to stop a galloping beast. "And how are you planning to get there?"

"I'll knock at the door?"

"Yeah. Ingenious. Completely pointless, but ingenious. Why didn't we think about it, Thomas? Knock at the door!"

The second young man caught up with them and nodded at them with a smile. He had beautiful, black curls and a complexion ruined with acne. The Doctor hissed again and tried to evade Allan.

"Wait. If you want to get to the castle, stay with us. We're going there tomorrow, first thing in the morning," Thomas said.

"I can't wait till tomorrow, it's my shi... It's my box, it is!" the Doctor spat, irritated. "Why are they always taking her... it away? They shouldn't even be able to see her, I swear, one of these days I'll finally fix the Chameleon Circuit, cause it's getting ridiculous!"

"Tomorrow morning. You'll say you're a member of our troupe. You'll get to the castle. And you'll get your box back," Allan explained, slowly and simply, as if talking to a half-wit. "And now, come on, we'll buy you a beer... What's your name?"

The Doctor kept silence, his lips pursed, so Donna took over. "The Doctor," she said. "And Donna Noble."

"Well, come on then, Noble Doctor." Allan patted the man on the shoulder. "Until tomorrow, let our troupe take care of you, and of your spouse."

Reflexively, the Doctor whispered: "She... She's not my wife."

"No, really, I am not," Donna confirmed.

"Oh, wonderful, so you're siblings?"

The Doctor turned quickly towards Donna.

"We're safe," he said urgently. "We should be safe; the TARDIS protects us against most diseases; when you travel in time the Yersinia Pestis immunisation is an absolute must. We should be just fine, Donna."

"You'd be much more convincing if you didn't look so scared," she whispered back. "If that's the look of somebody completely safe..."

He sucked the air through his teeth again.

"It'll be a hell," he whispered. "This town. The whole England. The entire Europe. Hell. The Yersiniacan't harm us, but we should get out of here as soon as possible."

"O... kay... I've got it. Hell. Run. You don't have to say more."

He rubbed his face with shaky hands.

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