Chapter 2 "Escape"!

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 (Staring at her unconscious, petite frame sat on wooden chair, wrist tied to Arms of chair, the person was sitting majestically on bench, even though the room they were at, has everything a modern well organised bedroom needs, but the person opted for uncomfortable way for her, staring at her facial features, the person looked lost in Thoughts, the sight of her with other men, fact of her heart warming smile reserved for other’s. Someone else being centre of her heartily affection stung deeply in heart, however his staring session comes to halt because of his cell ring, which notify him about getting call, he took out his cell from pocket. Casting glance at the caller ID, he smiled then kissing on her forehead, he walk out of room receiving the call on his way).

“Raj there’s problem I am not able to find her”! Seems like she got abducted”!

“You’re right Ryan ”! And ironically you’re having conversation with her Abductor only”!

“Yeah that’s what I”! wait”!..” what”? You”? How why Raj”!

( Ryan failed to comprehend The reason behind Raj’s action, as per his order he was supposed to keep tab on Pari. To protect her to inform him about her whereabouts her activities. However today being with his own love of life Salima, he got late to reach Hospital. When he doesn’t find her anywhere he got scared, where she could go her car was present in parking area, but she wasn’t at hospital. Worried yet scared he called to inform him. But he wasn’t prepared to hear this from Raj. Cause so far watching no Rapprochement from Raj towards her made him thought, he respect her love for Veer and doesn’t want to interfere, And ask him to keep tab on her just for the sake of her security. But now he’s not sure).

“I understand you’re surprised”! But considering what we do for living it’s not unexpected of me to do”! Or is it”?

“I thought you respect her love for”!..

“Don’t you dare to finish it”! I won’t appreciate her name to associate with anyone”! She’s mine”! Do you got that”?

“Al alright chill”! I just don’t go hard on her”! Be cautious and gentle with her”! You don’t want her to hates you”! do you”?

“Of course not”!. I love her and she should love me back”! No hating or playing hard by ignoring and rejecting”! Anyway you’re Acquit from your responsibility to look after her”! Will meet you later bye”!

(He didn’t even gave chance to Ryan to speak, he cut the call where’s Flinching by the way Raj said this, Ryan made a prayer for Pari well being. He don’t want her to get hurt, but he knew it’s inevitable cause of way Raj is, if only they weren’t what they’re now. Meanwhile Raj keeping the cell back in pocket, planned to check on Pari, but then a thought struck in his mind that she will be hungry. So he goes to the kitchen and Started making her favorite pasta. A while later when he gets done in preparing it. He goes to the room, where he kept her, but stepping in the room, what he saw made his heart burn in guilt. As she was awake but struggling to free herself, was crying continuously.

“Le leave me”! Let me go”! What wrong I did to you”? Why you brought me here”? Who are you”? Please let me go”! I beg you to leave me”! I won’t tell anyone about this”! Please let me go”!

(As soon she saw him, in the room she started pleading to get released from his captivity. However even her condition was effecting him then to, it didn’t melted him enough to gave what she desire her Freedom. Engrossed in staring at her, he took few predatory steps towards her. Making her flinch in fear, she gulped in audibly and struggle hard to get her hands released from ropes. And pleaded again with hope he may listen this time for sure).

“Please let me go”! I I lo love someone”! He will be worried for me”! Please leave me”! Let me go”!

(As soon the words spell out from her mouth, they unleash the angry monster in him. Burning in sheer jealousy cause of her confessing she love someone else, knowing it one things, but listening right from the mouth of person you love, mean another , it’s not something one sided lover could take, not when they’re highly obsessed or Possessive of you. Even being angry he wasn’t willing to hurt her, he took the bottle of wine, and threw it down on floor. The harsh sound of shattering glass made bottle. Earn him gasp of surprise from Pari, her heart leapt in mouth, she started at the shattered piece of glass on floor, then back at him. With widened eyes, sweat beads formed on her face and trickled down on her cheek getting mixed with her tears. She shuddered understand his intense dark glare, and Yelp when he made his way closer to her within three fast paced, bending down to her face level on chair he spoke staring right into her eyes, even scared to look into them longer, she failed to lower her eyes, the dark black intense pair of eyes staring right back at her, were highly captivating for her to turn her gaze from).

“You did nothing, only happen to capture my heart.” Result you’re here with me.”

(Saying this with smirk, he raised his hands to caressed her cheek lovingly, but she flinch and turned her head aside in sheer disgust and fear, while he ignored it then with smile spoke further).

“Take rest Love”! You need it”! Because tomorrow we’re getting married”! Weather you want it or not”!

(Saying this he kissed on her forehead, Making her shudder in fear, as soon his lips made contact with her forehead, she closed her eyes in disgust, ignoring all this he walk out from there with smile, leaving her in well organised modern magnificent room. Neither paying heed to her struggle nor to her wish, he didn’t asked her, he informed her, As if her consent doesn’t matter in his view. As if letting her aware that, she’s isn’t given choice at all , there’s no way out for her. She won’t get to oppose nor it will matter this realization made her highly scared, however this made her realized she may not get to meet her love, her friend and mere thought of being away from them, evoke desire to get free, she moved her hands to get released from rope, she wants Freedom she will get it anyhow. But to her surprised she found her hands free, sighing in relief she got up from chair, rubbed her wrist, they gotten Bruise by the tightness of rope, but she didn’t cared at the moment. Cause for her escaping from the insane person’s captivity was more important. Slowly tip Toeing on her foot she sneaked out of room, the door was left open by him, however the fact he could be around made her cautious on her move. As she didn’t wants to get caught by him. Finding herself up on stairs, she glance down in case he’s around. But to her luck he wasn’t happy in heart with hope she can escape. She Slowly walked down from stairs, not sighting him anywhere she then run towards the main entrance, reaching there, she barely raised her hands to open the door, when two arms sneaked around her waist, from back to front locking her in cage. Earning a loud Yelp from her in sheer panic).

“Escaping from me Baby girl”?

"Leave me.. You're sick..I'm not going to marry you or stay with you.."

"But you will, you don't have choice Love.."

"Let go of me, you you can't keep me here with you against my will.."

"When I can get you here I can keep you with me as well." So I suggest you stop wounding me, by your failed attempt to escape Love”!

(Spoke Raj nuzzling his head in the crook of neck, planting wet kisses there, it take all will power from Pari to not burst out crying in helplessness, she glance around frantically, sighting upon a Flower vase set on Vase Table, she pick it up by raising her hand sideways, then bringing it near hit him on his head backward hard, the sudden attack not only made him loose his grip on her, but made him retreat two step away from her as well. While taking advantage of his condition, she run towards the door, opening it hurriedly, run out of there, without even casting glance behind, running out of home, she run into another guy coming there, who at first got surprised to see her out, but then understanding the situation, he try to grab her and take her back inside. However she didn’t risk to attack on her captor to get back to him in last. She raised her knee and kick him between his knees, earning a Yelp from him, he lose his grip on hands which he held to drag her back, she punch him on his face then pushing him away. Ran from there without delaying further, in case the person inside the home regain his composure and come after her).

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