Chapter 12 Devasted

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“Raj, I got your appointment fix with Mr Anderson.”

Ryan informed him, while passing the file to him, they had arrived a while now staying in the hotel. Where’s Raj who was lost in thought’s begin to check the file, picking his cell, he dialled a number mentioned in the file.

“Mr Anderson what’s the status of Malik’s?”

Anderson who was on tea break grew suspicious, it’s been years but expect Ajay no one had call to check on Malik Family. But he was experienced enough to not miss the concern the voice carried.

“May I know who I’m speaking with?”

“I’m there son ,Veer Malik.”

“Oh, Well there’s unexpectedly great progress in their case.” You will be surprised to meet them.”

“Very well.  I will meet them soon thank you Dr.”

A wide smile appear on his face hearing the reply, but knowing the Dr won’t reveal more, he decided to end the conversation with information to meet them soon. Upon the conversation being over  being over Mr Anderson Dialled Ajay’s number to inform him about the unexpected caller claiming to be son of the patient he specifically been careful about and never mentioned anything about their any other relative or son. Where’s Raj begin to read the file with more concentration.  Change of Dr, change of Dosage, therapy he wasn’t bother about it much but the Progress rate of his Family.

“Where you’re lost?” What Mr Anderson said?” is everything alright with them?”

Ask Ryan forwarding glass of drink to him taking seat opposite to him on couch. Concern about him being lost in thought’s he don’t understand his obsession for Pari, as Far he knew he wasn’t suppose to be fond of her because she was his target. And him being repulsive towards female species was absolutely unexpected to fall for her. But he did he loves her but his love for her is worrying for Ryan.

“Yes, They’re fine in-fact there’s great improvement in their health.”

“That’s news to celebrate Men, congrats.” But why you look sceptical?”

“It’s the Dr who is now charge of them, They joined recently and under their care only they shown Progress?”

“So what’s matter with them?”

“A predator can sniff the presence of his Prey.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You mean, you think they’re here?”

“Hm Perhaps..”

“Alright, I will investigate about them here.” Tell me about them how they’re here…”

 “They never died, I just framed their death for world along with mine.” To protect them and Exposed those Devil’s but I lost my path.”


“I was on mission, to expose drug dealers. Pa get some clue in regard of same case, henceforth they targeted him, the night of accident I was supposed to meet informer so I pretended to be sick.”

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