Chapter 10 - A change of persona"?

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"How was the day"?

"Don't ask it was hectic"! You know at first day only"! Mr Anderson gave us very important case"!

(Spoke Priya annoyingly letting out huge sigh in relief for getting back home. Where's Pari sat besides Ajay on couch, taking glass of water from servant ask staring at him).

"How you're feeling Veer"?

"Better than before"! What about you"? Tired like Priya"?

"A bit"! We have to treat a family"! They're Indian though"! A girl and boy"! Those two are in coma"! So that case given to Priya"! While I had to treat the Couple"! They're suffering from Paralysis"!

(The sight of them being together, getting ignored by them hurt Priya but she mask it well. After all they don't know she love Veer, but again watching the person you love so close with your best friend is worse. Truly painful but again that's what one side love does to people).

"Going to be tough"!

"Surely it will"! But let's see we can able to treat them or not"! I don't know much but we come to know"! they're someone very special to Ajay"! After what he's doing for us I really want to get the well"!

(Replied Pari to Veer, to which he just nodded. Sincerely bored by staying at home instead of workings like them. Longing for his promotional job and Motherland. Alas he knew well there's no way out for him in this matter. They needs to be cautious to stay away from danger call Raj. He stare at Pari she looks tired to him but he didn't dare to question her. About night and noise he heard from her room).

"Let's head for dinner then"? I am truly famished now"!

"First get freshen up Priya"!

(Spoke Pari glancing at Priya keeping the glass on table. Who nodded then walked out towards her allotted room. Watching her re-treating back Pari sigh, and getting up from couch decided to freshen up. But before she could take step forward. Veer Pulled her back making her fall on his lap with loud gasp).


"Yes Veer it's been so long"! I didn't get any"? Compensation from you"! Come on Love you're in debt"!

(Listening this her eyes darted around Frantically. To see anyone there watching them or not then not finding anyone she glance back at Veer).

"So I owe you"?

"Undoubtedly"! "And only way to repay is”? Should I tell or show you demo"?

"Perhaps demo"!

(Spoke Pari mischievously, listening this Veer Smirk and pulling her to himself he sealed her lips by his, kissing her passionately unaware of pair of eyes watching them).

"You cannot lose her"! "I cannot have you"! Why I fall for you Veer"?..

(Wiping the tears Priya thought inwardly. She come back to take her cell, which she forget on table, but the sight before her stop her. And not having guts she ran back to her room).


Next day India

"Ryan"! Finally You're back"!

(Spoke Raj as soon he saw, Ryan stepping in the hall room. closing the file from one hand and gulping down the wine from glass in one long gulp. Motion the servant to refill it. Watching so many empty bottle, tiredness of servant mess on living room Ryan let out a sigh, walking towards Raj he ask in curiosity fill voice).

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