Chapter 7 "Past Revealation"!

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(A Men get off from his bike, near his home, taking off the helmet, he fix the strap of his bag, on shoulder then walked towards the door of his home. Seems like the street rod again got fused"! These kids cannot play elsewhere"!. Murmuring to himself he walked proceed to open the door but the door to his confusion got opened by slight push. Fear gripped his heart, what's happening"? Curious nervous yet putting brave face he stepped inside, he proceed to switch on the light of living room, when his gaze fall on shadow of person sitting magnificently on couch. Gripping the helmet more tightly he raised his hand to turn on the light but it's got on by someone else. He almost got panic attack by the sight of Many well armed men in black standing in living room two standing besides him. But he didn't break down or give into his fear as he have image of his own for being capable enough to work skilfully for well renowned business men of nation. He cannot get scared by few men. Hence he ask firmly trying best not to let his fear evident).

"Who are you"? How did you get in my house"? What you want"?

"PA of Ajay Singhania"! Kabir right"? No need to get worked up"! Let’s not waste time in useless question.”


“I’m here to hey few answer from you, If you value your life you’d answer them truthfully..”

(Kabir shiver in fear listening cold tone void of any emotion. Who this person could be, even though he happen to come across many people as such. It's always hard to deal with them. Knowing any minutes you can lose your head. His situation was no different he's no cop or army men to stay calm in situations as such. However today with fear his curiosity was building more in heart. Hence he ask curiously staring at person sitting before him).

"What type of answer"?

"First get relax"! Sit here it’s your home only…”

(without saying anything, he walked towards couch keeping his helmet down on table and then his bag, he sat on couch opposite to the men sitting before him. He still don't know the identity of intruder. Yet he knew better not to repeat his question. Which he already decline to answer by terming it as silly one. Wiping the sweet which trickled down on his cheek he waited patiently for the person to answer him).

"Where is your Boss Ajay Singhania"?

"At his home"! He was unwell hence he paid a visit at hospital where doctor ask him to have rest"!

"Really"? Then why his private jet isn't here"? Why you're arriving late"? Why you made a secret affair about his private jet departure"? 

(One after another question fired at his way, making him scared more then before by each passing second. He don't know what the person before him know"? About the answer of question he ask. But he knew well the person sitting before him had done his homework, enough to trap him in the game questionnaire. Still breathing once he spoke firmly answering exactly the thing he prepared himself, to answer everyone who show curiosity in this matter).

"He ask me to check information about his new business associates"! From Australia he's going to have a deal with them"! And ask me to get his jet ready for the same cause"! To escort them back to their nation"!

"Reason to trust your word"? You could be lying to me for the sake of your boss"!

"You're right"! I can be lying for my boss"! But what I am being ask to answer isn't  I have no reason to lie today"! If you don't believe you can cross check on own"!

"Raj he's isn't lying"! Our men checked up on him"! Ajay is at his Villa"! It's true they received a group of people at airport in morning "! which arrive from Australia"!

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