Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I was sitting down on my bed, with books scattered all over. I’d just gotten my books out to work on my homework.

It had been about five minutes of me attempting to study, when my thoughts drifted to Aaron. I began wondering what he was doing. If the waitress from last night knowing his order said anything, I was betting he was at the diner.

The next fifteen minutes were spent with me debating on making a trip to the diner. I had another worksheet of Calculus problems, and I knew Aaron would be able to help me. He was like a genius.

I made my resolve when I found myself not being able to solve the first problem. It was partly due to how little notes I had on the section, and partly due to my attention being in a little diner a few blocks from my apartment.

“What can I get for you hun?” Rose asked, as she held her pen ready to take my order.

“Uhh… An order of pancakes and coffee,” I replied.

“That sounds great, I’ll bring your order in a few,” she replied, giving me a warm smile.

The diner, as it had been the night before, was fairly empty.

Aaron had mentioned that it was usually packed during the day, but at night, everything slowed down.

It was already 9:00. I’d been in the diner for almost an hour, and there was still no sign of Aaron.

I had my things out, trying to work on my homework. It was mainly to pretend I was doing something, because my papers were blank.

Another half-hour passed, and I was getting ready to leave, when I noticed someone standing next to the booth.

When I looked up, I found Aaron grinning down at me.

“You took my booth again. I’m starting to think you might have something against me,” he said. Even as he said that, there was a grin on his face.

“I was just leaving,” I told him. It was true, but now that he was here, I didn’t really want to leave.

“Already?” He asked. “It isn’t even 10 yet,” he told me, as he took out his iPhone to check the time.

“I have a lot of homework. I just came to eat,” I lied. 

“Stay,” he said. I noticed that with the shirt he was wearing, his eyes looked greener than they did hazel.

“I’ll help you with your homework.”

I pretended to think about it. It was mainly to make him think I’d really gone there to eat pancakes, because I felt embarrassed to say I had been waiting for him to show up.

“It’s harder than last time,” I told him.

It was true, the homework was harder. But, I also didn’t understand why I was finding so many negatives about staying. It almost felt like I wanted him to persuade me to stay.

“I’ve taken Calculus before, remember? I doubt there’s anything you do, that I haven’t seen before,” he reminded me.

I smiled, which made something in his eyes shine brighter.

“Well, alright,” I told him, as I settled back in the booth.

“Cool! So, what have you done so far?” He asked, trying to take my notebook away.

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