Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


It was already dark by the time we made it to the hotel where we would be staying.

Aaron and Ronnie hadn’t planned on taking so long on the way. Since Jess wasn’t allowed to drive, she insisted we make a stop every hour after we took off from the convenience store.

Every time we stopped, Aaron and Ronnie would groan in annoyance. I noticed the smug look on Jess’ face and I couldn’t help but laugh at her wit.

Aaron had already made the reservations for the hotel. We only had to pick up the access cards and sign in. Ronnie and Jess left Aaron and me to take care of everything.

Ronnie claimed he had to “spank” Jess. Jess complained that we had to sign in for them because she had to run and “protect” herself from Ronnie.

It was all in good fun, so I didn’t mind that Aaron was left to sign us in. While he’d been signing papers and getting our access cards, I’d plugged in my ear buds and listened to some music.

As soon as Aaron was done with the paperwork, Ronnie and Jess mysteriously appeared, snatched the card to their room, and took off to the elevator. Aaron told me it was two doors down from ours. I wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Are you sleepy?” Aaron asked me.

We were sharing a room with a single bed. It wasn’t like it freaked me out. It wasn’t the first time we slept in the same bed.

Somehow, things just felt different in the trip.

Maybe it was the air, or how free I felt. There was a current of electricity between us, and I felt it every time he came too close to me.

“Not really, but I am tired,” I admitted.

I hadn’t slept well last night. I’d slept over at Aaron’s apartment. Being so close to him made it impossible not to think about the trip and what it would mean for us.

It felt too risky to be here, and now I understood just how dangerous it really was.

I didn’t want to jeopardize my friendship with Aaron- not when I was so close to going home and finally settling things with my past, with Matt.

“We should hang out here in the room then. We’ll watch a movie or something,” Aaron said, as he unpacked things from his duffel bag.

“Will you be busy all day tomorrow?” I asked him, thinking about the convention.

I hadn’t really talked to Aaron about it, but I was hesitant of going. I was nervous. As goofy as Jess acted, at least she knew what was up with Aaron and Ronnie.

My stomach was already in knots- wondering if maybe I’d be a burden to Aaron. I didn’t know the city well, I didn’t know anyone going to the convention, and I had no idea what I’d even be doing there.

“It’ll start around two in the afternoon. Last year it ended at midnight.  We don’t have to stay all day though.”

I nodded at his words, and began rummaging through my own suitcase.

“Do you mind if I don’t go?” I asked him.

Aaron was in the middle of piling some of his video games on the bedside table. My words caused him to stop what he was doing. He looked up at me, a frown quickly taking over his face.

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