Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


We were back home by Friday.

Every time I thought back to the past five days we spent at the beach, I could only break into grins and giggles. If it had been only Aaron and me, the week would have been peaceful. But it wasn’t and it was mainly thanks to Jess and Ronnie

“You should sleepover,” Aaron told me for the hundredth time.

We were parked outside of my apartment and Aaron was looking at it with disdain. We had made a quick stop at his apartment after we arrived.  He was going to pick up his car to come and drop me off and he had been trying to convince me to sleepover.  

“You haven’t gotten sick of me yet?” I teased.

“Never,” he said dramatically, putting a hand over his heart.

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn’t hold in my laughter.

“That’s good to hear. I’m still staying here. I have to clean up and wash clothes,” I told him, scrunching up my nose when I thought about the work that was waiting for me.

“You can do that later. We still have the whole weekend before classes start,” Aaron said pleadingly.

“Why don’t you sleep over? That way we can still hang out and I can get things done,” I said, already feeling like it was a bad idea.

I knew Aaron would end up being a distraction. Ever since we officially started dating, we had basically been inseparable.

We weren’t together during the night though, because it felt strange to sleep with him in the same bed. I had done it before when we were just friends and nothing had ever happened between us.

Now that we were dating, it felt more personal. I had to beg him for separate sleeping arrangements every night during the trip. I offered to take the couch in the hotel room, but he didn’t let me. Instead, he camped out on the floor.

When I woke up in the morning, Aaron was always cuddled up with me in bed.

“Okay, that works for me,” Aaron said with a smile.

He hopped out of the car and came to open my door.

“Do you wanna watch a movie?” Aaron asked.

We were in my room each doing our own thing. He was setting up his laptop on my desk and plugging in his charger while I was putting away clean clothes and some new shirts I bought during the trip.

I was distracted for a few seconds when Aaron took off his shirt. I had been admiring his body way too much during the trip. It didn’t exactly help that he was shirtless most of the time for the past five days.

“Give me that shirt, I’ll wash it with my load,” I told him, nodding at the shirt in his hands.

Aaron had changed into it early in the morning, but he and Ronnie had been running around the beach. They wanted to take advantage of the last morning we were spending there.

Since we were staying in the apartment for the rest of the day, he was changing into a sleeveless shirt.

His cheeks were a shade of pink and his upper body had a light tan from the sun. I’d also gotten a tan, but it wasn’t as noticeable as Aaron’s.

I had to admit that Jess was the one who definitely showed signs of a beach trip. The day after Aaron and I arrived at the hotel, Jess had the not so brilliant idea of putting on sun tan lotion.

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