Chapter 14

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Just becuase I was thinking about him- my lovely Aaron (Logan Lerman) on the side:D

Chapter 14


“I missed you Friday night,” Aaron told me the next morning.

It was almost ten when I woke up, and Aaron had been awake already.

“You’re not mad anymore?” I asked him.

I was lying flat on my back, while Aaron lay beside me on his side.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he apologized, sounding guilty.

“It’s fine.”

I let Aaron take a shower first before going downstairs. He had to work on some stuff online, so I wanted to give him more time to do that while I showered.

“Hey hun,” My mom said once Aaron and I walked downstairs.

My dad wasn’t around but my mom was already making breakfast.

“Aaron, did you sleep well?” She turned up from mixing the batter for the pancakes and offered him a smile.

“Really well, thank you,” Aaron replied.

“You can take a seat. Do you want some coffee or milk? We also have juice. Anna, give Aaron a plate,” my mom told me, as she placed the pancakes that were finished on the round table in the kitchen.

Aaron looked amused, while I shook my head at my mom.

My dad walked into the kitchen just then. He offered us a smile, before heading towards the coffee pot.

“You didn’t tell us you were dating anyone,” my mom told me, a sly smile on her lips. We were all sitting around the table, while my mom moved things around to make room for the food.

“I’m dating Aaron.” More or less, that was true. We hadn’t officially become a couple, but we were dating.

“Do you two have classes together?” My dad asked.

I chuckled, and turned to face Aaron who was raising an eyebrow at me.

“Aaron’s a sophomore and his classes are a little more advanced than mine,” I admitted.

“What are you studying?” My mom asked curiously.

“Computer Science,” Aaron replied.

Both of them lit up after his answer.

The rest of the hour was basically spent interrogating Aaron and me about college- although they were more interested in Aaron.

He easily answered all of their questions, laughing at some embarrassing things my mom was saying about me.

My dad was the one who asked Aaron about our trip to the beach, which had been moved to tomorrow in the afternoon. Aaron wanted to give me more time with my parents, and they seemed happy to have him around.

My parents had been worried about letting me go. One talk with Aaron and they were both excited about the idea.

My mom just kept grinning at Aaron, giving him approving looks.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Matt?” Aaron asked me once we were upstairs, alone in my room.

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