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olivia and ava have been my entire life since they came into this world only five years ago.

"girls, kitchen, now," ethan barks, and they immediately hop off the couch and chase each other into the kitchen. with huge grins on their faces, they hop onto chairs at the counter, having to sit on their knees because they aren't quite tall about to sit normally and see over the counter.

ethan leans against it on his hands, his muscles flexing underneath his long sleeved shirt. even at twenty-nine, he still looked just as he did when he was sixteen. the girls looks up at him with utmost admiration and i stand aside, waiting to see just what he's got in mind.

"now girls, i want you to start with your math worksheets, and ask me questions when you don't understand okay?" he opens their folders, sliding a paper and pencil in front of each of them. they look at each other with pouts on their little lips, and then to me, silently pleading for me to say they didn't have to do it. i put my hands up in surrender, shaking my head no.

they continue to pout as they get to work on the papers in front of them.

i walk into the kitchen, making my way behind ethan. i slide my arms around him, interlocking my fingers against his stomach. i rest my cheek against his shoulder blade, breathing in his scent. that too had never changed, he still used the same cologne as he did when we met.

this was what i wanted, ever since that day this is what i wanted. this moment, right here and right now. i prayed everyday for things to remain the same, as if it was really needed. ethan and i hadn't exactly seen eye to eye when we met, or rather, i didn't have the same feelings that he had for me. he didn't stop though.

at the time, i was living in a studio apartment by myself in chicago, and just about everyday, he'd leave a rose, my favorite flower, on my stoop, with a little note that said the same thing everyday.

be mine? - e

it took him precisely 365 days to win me over.

a full year.

so eventually, i had 365 roses, and 365 pieces of paper with the same scribbled words on the them. i had met him and grayson at a restaurant where i was working at the time, and i was waiting their table that night.

they both caught my eye for sure, an attractive pair of twins, both built and quite nicely dressed. better than most guys who came through here. grayson was facing my way, so of course i had quite a good look over at him. his hair styled in a swoop, his sides shaven so cleanly, that one earring that dangled from his left ear, and a smile that could melt any girl's heart. i'll be the first to admit more than just my mouth was watering.

we shared glances as i worked behind the counter. i was always told it was not polite to stare.

apparently, he was told differently.

as soon as i saw my chance, i made my way to their table. i picked up a freshly brewed cup of coffee and headed right for him. our eyes were locked the whole way, a smirk plastered on his chiseled face.

"anything else i can get you boys?" i cooed with a smile on my face. i turned my head and suddenly, i couldn't breathe.

there sat ethan, his hair long, that blue streak ever so vibrant. be was clothed in a black short sleeved t-shirt, exposing his muscles beautifully. his lips were more apparently plump, and i wanted nothing more than to kiss them, but then when i thought about grayson, my mind switched.

something about ethan screamed bad boy, and i could never turn down a bad boy. however, i had had too many bad runs with bad boys, and i was looking for a man.

"no thanks we're good for now." his arms rested against the table, his hands folded together.

i could only provide a nod as i made my way back. as soon as i stepped away, ethan's hand was resting on my forearm, his back meeting the booth cushion.

"i could go for a name though." his eyes locked me in place. i hesitantly answered.

what harm could it do?

"makena." i answer swiftly, putting my hand in my apron pocket so my nervousness wasn't as apparent.

that night, i had nearly kissed grayson behind the restaurant while ethan waited in the car. it didn't happen, although we did exchange numbers, and talked quite frequently until ethan decided to get in the middle of all of it and steal my heart for himself.

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