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i stood in the shower, trying to wash any worry away, at least for a few minutes. i suddenly heard a car spin into the gravel driveway. i immediately turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. i heard slamming at the door as i threw my pajamas back on, rushing down the stairs.

"where are the girls?" i asked breathlessly.

"i sent them downstairs as soon as i saw his car coming down the lane, i'll handle this." grayson said as he headed towards the door.

"grayson don't, please!" i rushed towards the door as he stepped outside. peeking through the door, i saw a very pissed off ethan exit the vehicle. slamming his door behind him, he stood his ground.

"i want the girls, that's it."

"bro listen i don't think-"

"that's right, you don't fucking think, so just give me my kids!" ethan roared, making his way towards grayson.

"just calm down e." grayson put his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"i'll calm down once i get my fucking kids!" ethan shoved his way past grayson and i stepped out the door.

"ethan please, not now. babe, you're still upset i don't want them seeing us like this."

"oh, but it's just fine and dandy for them to see grayson isn't it?" he fumed.

"that's not what i'm saying ethan please don't put words in my mouth." i couldn't let him inside the house, i couldn't let them see him like this.

"oh don't worry because i don't plan on putting anything in there for quite awhile."

i stepped in front of him, blocking his path. he stood over me, his eyes filled with rage.

"baby, please, do not do this. think about the girls." his breathing was hard and i watched his chest heave up and down in front of me. i was scared, yet strangely turned on. now is not the time for those thoughts, makena.

"i am thinking about the girls, and i'm thinking they'd be better off away from you." he looked me directly in the eye, and my heart felt like it had just been slashed with the sharpest knife in the entire world.

"ethan you don't mean that...if you would just talk to me..." he looked down at me, standing firmly in place. i knew he was struggling as much as i was.

"please baby...let's just talk this over, and i'll explain everything. i promise." i gently placed my hand on his bicep.

"why did you take my girls?" he breathed.

"they aren't your girls." grayson called. my stomach twisted and i turned around to face him. he had his arms folded over his chest, his eyes narrowed at us.

"the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" ethan yelled, lunging forward. i placed my hands on his chest holding him back.

"honey, he's just saying-"

"they could be mine." grayson stated, keeping his position. ethan's eyes widened as he shot his face down to meet mine.

"what the fuck is he saying kena?"

i felt my throat tightened and my eyes burn.

"i'm saying there's a fifty fifty e, i'm saying there's a chance they aren't yours." gray just could not shut his mouth.

"kena...tell me he's lying," i couldn't look at him.

"tell me he's lying!" he cried, grabbing me by my arms.

"i'm not fucking lying ethan!"

"shut up grayson!" i cried, my voice cracking, tears streaming down my face.

"how could you do this..." ethan's voice was harsh, yet filled with betrayal. 

"i am so sorry...but ethan please believe me they are yours. please, i know-"

"apparently you don't." he cut me off, his voice sharp.

"ethan..." i reached out for him but he shoved me away.

"don't...just don't," my hands remained in front of me, shaking and empty. ethan pointed a finger at me, his eyes misty.

"don't speak to me again until you know exactly who the father is."

he got back in his car, slamming his door and spitting gravel as he sped out of the driveway.

"you don't need him."

"yes i do grayson! yes i do, more than i've ever needed anyone! what i didn't need was you opening your big mouth! low look what you did! i fucking hate you grayson dolan, i hate you!" i sobbed as i dropped to my knees. he slowly started towards me.

"kena you don't-"

"yes! yes i do grayson! just get away from me! now," he stood still, his eyes glued to me.

"now!" i screamed, and he finally turned away, making his way back into the house.

i remained where i was, sobbing on my knees. grayson just had to open his fucking mouth. he had to woo me oh so much when ethan and I were dating because he had wanted me all for himself.

soon, i got up, brushed myself off, wiped my tears, and to my luck, olivia and ava were still downstairs doing god knows what.

gray was sitting on the couch, head on his hands, fingers in his hair. i could tell he was mad because that's exactly what ethan does when he's upset.


i just wanted to run into his arms when he got out of that car, tell him how sorry i am, and let him whisk me away and make all of our troubles go away under the sheets.

"i suggest you get that test if you want to get your prince charming back anytime soon." he says, still looking at the floor. that's exactly what i plan to do.

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