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weeks later, and the test results have come in. I i ended up treating the girls to trips to the zoo, going to the park, going out for dinner, just to occupy them for the time being. it took time, but both ethan and grayson agreed to come in for the testing, but the girls were a bit more resistant. with much convincing from ethan, they agreed.

grayson stood there, and i could tell that he was really convincing himself that olivia and ava were his kids.

i take the envelope off the counter in shaky hands, and i look around to be sure i'm the only one in the kitchen. gray went to work and should be back in about an hour, while the kids are watching tv on his giant flat screen in the basement.

sliding the papers out and onto the table, i freeze when i see my name accompanied with ethan's.

probability of paternity: 99.99999%

there is zero percent of grayson dolan's dna in those girls, and i find myself gasping and leaning back against the chair. tears spring in my eyes. relieved, happy tears that i can't stop.

they're ethan's. that's all i care about.

"are you okay mama?" suddenly, olivia's little head pokes from the behind the door, ava trailing behind her from out of the basement. i look at them with tear filled eyes, not saying a word. they approach me with puzzled looks, but i scoop both of them in my arms, crying harder.

"mama just loves you both so much. i'm so happy you're my little girls." i cry and they cling tighter to me. when i pull away to look at my daughters, they try wiping my tears away with their little hands. i smile and laugh.

"i love you mommy." they say in unison.

"i love you too babies. can you give me a couple minutes?" respectfully, they nod and walk away together, talking a mile a minute. i take a deep breath, reading the papers over again so i know for sure.

ava and olivia dolan are ethan's, and i couldn't be happier. i pick my phone up, seeing that i received texts from grayson, all of them about the test and the results. i ignore them all, calling my husband. he doesn't pick up until the fourth ring, but when he does, i go off with excitement.

"you're sure?" he asks, and it doesn't sound as though his mood has lifted at all. with a smile on my face, i assure him.

"yes, they're all ours ethan, all ours." i finally force myself to believe it, not able to wipe my grin away.

"that's amazing. i'm sorry i ever doubted you makena." he never uses my full name, which shouldn't, but concerns me a bit. he lets out a sigh.

"i can't live without you anymore, baby." he says, surprising me. his tone is soft, and i can tell that he means it. i stare at the table before replying.

"i miss you so much."

"come home, please."

"anything for you."

we exchange goodbyes and see you soons, and i hurry to get myself and the twins ready to go back home. just as we're ready to walk out, grayson comes in wearing jeans and a tight long sleeved shirt.

"going somewhere?" his voice is deep and concerned.

"we're goin' home uncle gray!" ava shouts excitedly, and i wish she wouldn't have been so eager. i nod to confirm when he looks at me, looking almost like a lost puppy.

"see you around gray." right as i walk past him, the girls in front of me, grayson grabs my arm and i turn my head.

"they're his?" he whispers as if he's afraid. i swallow, nodding. tears well in his hazel eyes.

"girls, go wait in the car i'll be just a minute." i step back inside closing the door behind me.

"kena...are you sure-"

"as sure as i was since day one grayson. here's the paperwork if you still choose not to believe me." i hand him the folded paper, and he opens it slowly.

i watch his eyes travel across the words, numerous times.

"okay. okay they aren't mine but, what about you?" he looks up at me, and i can tell he's hurting.

"what about me?" i ask, unsure of his direction.

"let me rephrase. what about us? you can't deny that there is something there, still. there always has been kena. i'm never gonna feel this way about anyone else, i'm never gonna find someone like you."

i looked at him, feeling almost sorry for him.

"you're right," i tell him. he furrows his brow.

"you won't feel the same way about someone else, nor will you find anyone like me. you'll find someone better than me, and you will feel more for them than you ever have for me. you just need to start looking. you're making up this fantasy about you and i in your head," i place my hand on the side of his face.

"i do not hate you grayson, and i do love you. i love you like family, and family is very important to me. you're still a part of my life and you always will be. can you live with that?" his lips tightened.

"yeah. i guess i can learn to live with that." i give him a kiss on the cheek before turning to leave.

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