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Annyeong! Lee Daehwi ibnida.
I'm a student at Seoul School of Arts. I actually transferred here a few months ago, along with my best friend, Y/N.

We came from America, L.A. to be exact.

I'm Korean, however Y/N is clearly a foreigner.

We made really good friends with each other in our freshman year.


I walked into the classroom. Finally as a freshman. Middle school was probably the worst experience of my life.

The first lesson hasn't even started yet and I'm already having a struggle. With what?
Picking a fucking place to sit.

If I sit at the front I'll be picked to answer often.
If I sit at the very back then no one will notice me and people might think I'm depressed.
So obviously second or third row would be best, preferably next to the window.

I watch wayyy to much KDrama, but thanks to that I know the best place to sit. HAH and when I told mom it's useful she didn't believe me.

Just as I wished, an empty desk next to the window in the second row.

Perfect spot!

I still had a good 20 minutes before class, so I got out my notebook and put in one of my headphones.

I decided to write a bit, it keeps me calm.
I guess you can say it's my hobby.

I plot down just about anything. My current feelings, surroundings, quotes or anything that sounds pretty that I'm able to think of.


I got such a fright. All the students that were already in the classroom immediately dropped whatever they were doing and looked up.

Some girl just walked in and smashed the door a little too harshly.

????: "Oops, I'm so sorry. That was loud wasn't it?"

She turned really red.
Well obviously, she must be quite embarrassed.

Everyone else is now paying attention to other things again, except for me. For some reason I can't make myself look away.

As I was looking at her I realised how pretty she is. Quite short, skinny, her figure and all the curves are perfect.

She had short hair and big wondrous eyes. A small button like nose and rosy cheeks.

Like a little angel.

I saw that she was having the same struggle as I did.
Until she saw me...

Omg she's looking straight at me  what do I do??!!

My heart suddenly stopped beating. Then started again. Faster than ever before, when she smiled and approached me.

????: "Hey, is this seat taken??"

Daehwi: "Ahhhh, no you can sit down if you want."

????: "Thanks!" She said while sitting down. "My name is Y/N. What's yours??"

Daehwi: "Well it's Daehwi. But you might aswell call me David. That's the English version."

Y/N smiled I dont think that I was ever this nervous about introducing myself to someone before.

Y/N: "NAHH. I prefer Daehwi. Suits you more."

She turned around and grabbed some things out of her bag. Meanwhile I opened my notebook again.

It's quite funny, for a second I thought I heard her humming 'Spring Day' by BTS. But sure she probably doesn't even know what kpop is.

Y/N: "Ohh, you're Korean??"

Daehwi: "What? How do you know??"

Y/N: "Well umm, obviously you're using hangul." She said pointing to my notebook which was half in English and half in Korean.

Daehwi: "Well yes, I am. But I didn't expect anyone to actually know anything about Korea though."

Y/N: "You obviously wouldnt be going around America expecting people to speak Korean."  She giggled a bit after her statement.

Hearing her laugh I couldn't help but smile a little.

Right then the teacher walked in.

Teacher: "Hello class. I am Miss Murphy. Firstly I hope you like where you are sitting and who you're sitting with because these will be your permanent seats for the rest of this year."


Y/N was always interested in learning Korean to a fluent level.  She made me teach her the language and as much about the culture as possible.

Because of that we spend A LOT of time together. Not that I'm complaining about it.

Now thanks to that Y/N was able to come to Korea with me, when my mother asked me to return.

She was like,  nah ah, your ass ain't leaving no where without me.
And I'm glad it didn't.

Daydream Lee Daehwi FFWhere stories live. Discover now