Chapter 1.

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So it's Daehwi, and just wanted to let you know, this is where the real story starts.

I mean yea... technically we began after the introduction.
However all the seven previous "chapters" in a way, were a part of the introduction.

I told you guys about those times so you can get a feeling of what Y/N and I are like.

And now, we're all ready to begin...

Assembly- Monday 18th December

Teacher: "Okay everyone keep quiet now, I'm gonna make a few announcements and then I'll let ye go to your first class.
So obviously, this is the last week before your break..."

Teach kept on blabbering her mouth off about the random things we 'should' know.

However, usually half the information doesn't even apply to us.
Shit like "the freshman basketball game is on this Thursday."

Which is totally a useless piece of into since the game is on during classes, no one from this assembly class would be even able to see it!

Personally I'd prefer come into school fifteen minutes later, to skip that whole ordeal.
You know get some extra sleep.

But if I did that, that's basically being 'late' and if you don't have something like a doctor's note, you'll probably get ripped to shreds.
Or you know, as others like to call it,

Teacher: "And one last announcement, a new boy will be joining our class.
His first official day will be after the break, but he'll also come in, this Friday for a tour of the school. Y/N you've been picked to guide him, no questions or disagreements OR ELSE.
Ok, class dismissed. You all can leave now."

I looked over at Y/N she had the most astonished face ever. Obviously isn't too into the idea.
Well, looks like I need to step in.

Daehwi: "Come on, we'll talk to her. I know you don't want to do it."

Y/N: "She said no disagreements..."

Daehwi: "Ohh shut up, there's no point in being forced into this."

Even if I was trying to help I was petrified myself, this specific teacher, Miss Seo, has a reputation for her cold heart.

Theres this rumour that if you stand too close apperantly you can feel cool breezes coming from her direction.

Nearly all the students are scared to death of her, and I'm a part of those students.

Either way, I grabbed Y/N's hand and walked to the top of the class.

Daehwi: "Excuse me Miss, we just wanted to know why Y/N was picked for the part of a tour guide??"

Y/N: "Yes Miss, I'm terribly sorry but I would feel very uncomfortable. I don't think I can do it."

Teach looked Y/N and I up and down with an annoyed look on her face. As if we were some mold on a piece of bread.

Teacher: "Listen, I'm sorry if you don't want to. However it's been already decided and we have reasons to make a decision this early..."

Daehwi: "Miss, she does not want to do it, you can't make her!"

Teacher: "Daehwi would you ever shut up!? Stop running your mouth for once you dumb child!
Anyways as I was saying, Y/N, the reason that you were picked is because the boy isn't moving from Busan or Japan or anywhere within Asia for that matter.
He's coming from the UK, and since you're American, you'd be what he's used to. Even though he himself is Korean we think he might be more comfortable around you."

Y/N's face slightly lit up, maybe with joy although it looked a lot like hope.
Her eyes became bright and almost sparkled.

Y/N: "I guess in that case I'll try."
BOOM, no hesitation whatsoever.

While saying that she wore a proud smile, and gave off that vibe that I missed for a long time.

In that split second I saw something in her I didn't realise was gone.


Classtime- Friday Morning

Y/N is staying for this one class before she's going off babysitting the new guy.

I heard that right now, during the first class, he's in the principals office having a talk about 'the rules' and how he can 'feel at home'.

You know that talk all the freshmen usually get on either the open day or their first day of highschool.
Apperantly that also happens to new students.

Just as I was thinking, there came a knock on the door followed by non other than the principal himself coming in.

He walked up to the teacher and whispered something, then turned to the class and started talking.

Principal: "Ok everyone, as you all know, today there is going to be a new student joining your class. I hope all of you treat him well.
You may come in now."

And here he is, a tall boy, dyed red hair, dark brown eyes and a snuggle tooth smile, gotta admit quite handsome.

I could tell all the girls were wayyy too interested on this human, all the focus was on him.
Which in my opinion is extremely dumb, even I can sense the fuckboy in this guy.

He bowed low and started his introduction.

???: "Annyeong, Park Woojin imnida. I'm 17, and recently moved here from London UK. I hope we can be friends."

Teacher: "All right Woojin, after this class you will be getting a tour around the school by one of our students.
You can sit down next to her for now and you two will go off after the next bell. Y/N please stand up so Woojin can find his way to you."

Y/N slowly stood up making eye contact with the boy, I glanced at him once more and couldn't help but notice a cheeky smirk on his face.

Well fuck this can't be a good sign nor a good guy.

Y/N's P.O.V
Tour of the school- Friday

Y/N: "Alright and so the next room is the dance room, but even though it's here, it's rarely used you know.
So I'd suggest if you're interested in dance, sign up to a studio."

Woojin: "Right, but are students allowed to come here and practise at like breaks or free periods?"

Y/N: "Ohh yea sure thing, students actually use it once in a while, I just ment like it's not used for 'classes', I guess."

Woojin: "And is it private, if you do?"

Y/N: "Yep, you can lock the door and the walls are soundproof, so it's all good."

Woojin: "Neat, I guess I'll be here quite often then."

Y/N: "So you're into dance?"

Woojin: "Yea into all kinds of hip hop, and then I also like dancing with girls, more romantic pieces I guess you could say."

Y/N: "Cool, I'm actually quite good at contemporary, I've won several championships with my friend, Daehwi."

Woojin: "On the topic of you, you know you're really beautiful?"

Y/N: "Stop lying."

Woojin: "No, I'm serious Y/N."

Daydream Lee Daehwi FFWhere stories live. Discover now