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"you make me mad, but i just really can't stay mad at you at all."

he ran.

and ran more.

he checked every room that she could possibly be in, but was only resulted in disappointmenthe could not find her at all. 

but a thought struck into his mind, he had just realized that he had not checked one room, yet.

the music room. 

surely, there was a great possibility that she could be in that room. after all, it was claimed to be her favorite room in the entire school.

he fastens his pace, heading towards the room. once he reached the door of the room, he did not even bother to knock on the door at all, instead, he slams open the door. luckily, the door was not locked.

once the door was opened, he saw her. he saw her, she was sitting on the floor at the corner of the room, with her legs close to her chest as she buries her face in her knees. 

she looks up at him when she heard the door open, with watery eyes and some dried up tears on her cheeks. she doesn't speak, she just stares at him, with those eyes filled with many emotions.

"yerim. are you okay?" he asks even though he clearly knew she wasn't okay.

"i'm fine," she mutters softly, nearly inaudible.

lies, lies, lies. he knew she was lying. she was totally lying. 

"i know you are lying. you are not fine at all."

"no, i'm fine, jungkook! i'm fine!" she exclaims, denying the truth.

he rose his voice a little,"stop lying to yourself! what's the point? you are clearly not okay! it's obvious! stop tying to be strong! sometimes being weak is fine, everyone is weak at some point!"

he could not control it. he does adore that she always had a strong front, but in this case, he thought she should let it out. let it all out, if not she would just feel more depressed.

he was frustrated and surely anger took over him, "i'll just leave you alone, i'm going back to class." he says coldly, walking towards the door, with his hand on the door knob, twisting it slightly.

"don't go." she murmurs desperately, with her hand holding firmly on his, preventing from twisting the door knob even further. 

"i'm sorry. i was immature. i shouldn't keep lying to myself. i'm sorry. don't go, please. i need someone right now." she says, with the hint of desperateness in her voice. 

he turns his hand and held hers, then pulling her into his embrace, with her back firmly on the door surface.

he strokes her hair as he pats her back softly, too. she sobs and sobs even more after minutes passed. his heart soften, he felt guilty all of a sudden. it was partly his fault for being so harsh. he didn't mean to, he swears, it was just purely anger.

"i'm sorry too, alright? i'm sorry for being harsh just now, i didn't mean to be that harsh. it was anger that took over me." he apologizes. 

she pulls away a little but with her hands still wrapped around his waist. she stiffs, "don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault at all. it was fully mine. but thank you though, thank you for being there for me."

he smiles genuinely. he was now fully aware that there was no possible way he could stay mad at her. just a minute before, he was furious about her attitude, but the anger has vanished almost immediately after.

"no problem." he says as he wipes away those tears that had rolled down onto her cheeks. "just don't cry for this people again. they don't deserve your tears."

she nods, smiling at him, with her eyes creasing a little to the shape of a crescent moon. "i won't."

he stares at her, admiring every part of her face, she looked like an angel. a beautiful angel. even though she cried just a few minutes ago, she still looked gorgeous.

"we are late for class already. fourteen minutes late." she commented when she was looking at the clock placed on top of both of them.

"let's sneak out." he suggests.


"let's sneak out. we could go to the arcade nearby." he says, as if it was nothing wrong.

"but, it's wrong and-"

"trust me, nothing bad will happen. the teachers are too occupied to even care about two students not attending their class. and even if we do get into trouble, the scoldings and punishments are worth it." 

"so let's go?" he asks, sticking out his hand for hers.

"i guess we could. you sound like you have done this before." she says as she accepted his hand, interlocking them together.

"maybe that's a fact."

happy new year guys! 💓
this book would be ending real soon and it's making me a little sad but oh well, just stay tune!! 💜👌

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