
389 11 0

December 20th 2015

Ever since I told Naomi that kiss mean't nothing to me, she has been more different, more cold. I missed the old Naomi, my Naomi.

I wish I could turn back time, and never told her that the kiss mean't nothing, because it did. The kiss mean't so much to me.

It was the first time I ever showed actual romantic affection towards my wife..

And I blew it, by making her feel un-special, which was one of my main goals of making her happy, and I managed to fuck that up too... great.

I then got a phone call from appa and eomma. I inhaled hard, hoping that it won't be something serious, or me getting yelled at.



"Sehun~ It's me, eomma!"

"Annyeong eomma, how are you?"

"I'm fine, so is your father."

"That's good to hear."

"Ne~, is my daughter-in-law with you right now?"

"Naomi? Ani, she's out with her friends right now."

"Aha, well I called because I need you and Naomi to come to Japan with us tomorrow for a week."

"But eomma, this week is Christmas.." I whined.

"I know, that is why your going on a business trip with us, and it will count was a honeymoon too!!!!" My mother squealed in excitement.

"Aigoo. Fine, me and Naomi will see you tomorrow at the airport."

"Bye Sehun! Tell Naomi I said hello too!"

"I will!"


At the same time I ended the call with eomma, Naomi opened the door with a smile.

"Naomi.. Your home."


I signed as guilt washed over my body. Naomi has never been this quite.. she's usually more happy and energetic.

"Did you have fun with you friends?"

"Yeah.. me and the girls had fun. I brought you back some bubble tea." I saw her eyes glistened a bit. I smiled and thanked her.

"It's good. Thanks again!" I said, trying to cheer her up.. But all she did was looked into my eyes and gave me a thin line smile.

"Oh! Eomma called.. she wants us to go to Japan for a business trip for the whole week." I informed her. She nodded as she walked upstairs.

"I'll get packing.." Naomi whispered. It broke my heart to see her like this.. I was never my intention to make her like this.. but in the end. It's still my fault.


It was already the next day, Naomi was still fast asleep in bed, while I got ready for us. Eomma said that we had to go to the airport early to avoid paparazzi's. Which makes sense, cause we are the richest families in Korea, plus their children's suddenly got married to each other, who wouldn't follow us, to get on the inside gossip.

"Naomi, wake up." I shook her a bit. She tossed and turned. Making me sign heavily.

"Wifey~ Wake up, we need to get ready, were leaving in an hour." She finally opened her eyes. I smiled upon seeing her like a baby.

"Mh. It's too early. The sun isn't even out yet." She complained like a baby.

"We need to get ready. Tell you what, I'll get you the new the new Etude House makeup line, if you wake up and get ready now."

She immediately sat up and ran into the washroom. I chuckled slightly while shaking my head a bit.

"That's my wifey."


We met eomma and appa at the airport, and the funny thing is. It was 4:30am. And paparazzi's have already took over the airport.

It's insane how they found out where were going, and what time as well. Our bodyguards made a circle around us, which somewhat helped.

I mean they were all still very pushy, and loud. It was a terrible way to start the morning.

We all wore I sunglasses to avoid the flashes but it was still very annoying.

"Mr.Oh! How does it feel to have Jae Naomi as your daughter-in-law??"

"Mr.Oh! How does it feel to have Jae Naomi as your wife?"

"Why did you decided to marry Jae Naomi?"

"Do you actually love her?"

"Are you guys plan on having kids?"

The questions kept coming and we just kept blocking them out.

As we were walking, one of the reporters grabbed Naomi's bag, making her almost fall. I quickly wrapped my right arm around her waist. She then wrapped her left arm around my neck.

She quickly got back on her feet and let go of my neck. But I didn't let her go.

I held onto her waist in a protective way, while I looked back and glared at the reporter. He slowly gulped and ducked his head down.

"Are you okay?" I whispered into her ear. I saw a hint of pink on her cheeks as she nodded her head a bit.

We finally got into our car, but the paparazzi's don't stop, they blocked our way from driving, the flashes got more intense than it is already.

After a good 10 minutes of being trapped at the airport, we finally got to the main road, and on our way to the hotel.

"Naomi are you okay sweetheart?" Eomma asked looking back at us. She smiled at eomma, reassuring she's fine.

But I didn't believe it.

"Mi-ah. I know your not okay." I called. 

"I'm fine."

I intertwined our hands together and looked at her.

"I know you more than anybody. You can't hide anything from me." Naomi then signed hard as she rested her head against my left shoulder.

"I'll you when were at the hotel." She mumbled.

I nodded my head against her's when she held my hand tighter.

"You know your left shoulder is not as comfortable as your right." I smiled brightly.

"Now I do."






Hello Jennings!!

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting!!

School has been very stressful for me!!

So I will try to write and update anytime I got!

Thank you so much for being patient!!! It really means a lot!!



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