51.| Sehun

336 8 9

June 27th 2019

"Naomi... do you want me to get you something to eat?" She shook her head. I sighed hard as I pulled her head slightly, making her rest against me.

"I'm fine. I just want us to stay like this," She whispers softly. I slowly caressed her head and kissed it. "We should talk to your parents, clear everything up,"

She shook her head against me. "No... I know they're upset, they won't accept us... I just I don't understand why,"

I didn't know how to answer her. I didn't understand it myself, to begin with, it was just too hard for me to comprehend.

"Naomi-" We both looked over to the door and saw her parents walk in. We both stood up, as I pulled her behind me.

"What is he doing here?" He father asked.


"I am no longer abeoji Sehun. Not after the divorce," I closed my eyes in frustration. "Mr. Jae, please... believe me. I love Naomi... I love her so much, please give me a chance to prove that to you!" I begged, but her eomma shook her head as she walked over and pulled her away. 

"Eomma!! No!" She struggled as she was being dragged away to her room, I tried to grab her back, but Mr. Jae stopped me. 

"Sehun," I turned back to her appa, as I gritted my teeth. "Mr. Jae, can we please talk this through?"

"Tch. And why should I? My daughter is the only child I have, she deserves the best, and everything-"

"Yes. I know sir. But haven't you thought what she thinks? What if you got her the greatest man ever, but she is unhappy, she will be unhappy for the rest of her life! Is that you want for her? Is that what you want for your only daughter?" 

He avoided my gaze, taking a seat on the couch. "Of course I don't... but, I afraid to risk it again. Do you have any idea how heartbroken she was? She was broken, thank god she got accepted into the school in Van-"

"You thought that was a good thing?" I cut him off with my brows raised. He scoffed. "Of course it was! She went there to get a do-over of her teenage life,"

"Like hell she did!" I yelled. "With all due respects Mr.Jae. But Naomi was pregnant when you shipped her off to Canada. She was pregnant with my child, but because of the stress she went through... she lost the baby. And she had no one! She had absolutely no one to be there for her! She was all alone..."

He looked at me. "Your lying... if she was she would've told me!" 

"She didn't want to you or Mrs. Jae to worry..." He covered his face with his hands. I sat down near him and continued. "I know... I know that this is all my fault... my fault for breaking the trust that I have gained from you and Mrs. Jae, the trust that Naomi has built, but believe me, sir... I came back to give her the love that she deserves, the love that she should've gotten a long time ago... please, I beg you to trust me with your daughter. I promise, and this time I will keep it... I promise that she will be the happiest women in the world," 

Mr. Jae sighed hard. "All I wanted was my daughter to be happy... but all this time she has been making me happy. I made her marry a complete stranger when she was only 16... she never complained one bit, I made her get a divorce, she still didn't complain. All this time, I was thinking I was doing this for her, but I was doing this for myself..." I heard him say. I looked down as I listened to him. "You promise to never leave her right?"

"You have my word, sir,"

He stood up and patted my shoulder. "She's all yours. I hope that you will protect and keep your words,"

"She is the love of my life... I would do anything for her,"

"Hah... You sound like me when I when young. Sehun, I'm sorry for not giving you a chance,"

"Sir! Please don't apologize... that's all in the past," He smiled again. 

"Your right... Now I hope for the best in the future... a wedding, and a little bundle of joy,"






Hello Jennings!!!


He is accepted again!! Bless!!

ANNOUNCEMENT!! : This book is coming to an end pretty soon. It has about 6 chapters of less left. 

I would like to thank everyone I LOVE YOU!!



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