
298 6 0

February 20th 2016


"Wait why are you wearing eyeshadow?"

"Because I'm going out!"

"Wait?! WHAT?! WITH WHOM!!!"

I screamed through the phone, panicking.



"Fuck." I looked at my phone and signed hard, then slipping my phone into my pocket. 

"Yeo.. Sehun. What's wrong?" Yixing hyung asked me, I signed and shrugged.

"I think me and Naomi just fought for the first time." I answered. Yixing hyung just patted my back.

"Don't worry, she won't be mad for long." He assured. "I don't know that! This is the first time she's mad at me! I don't know what to expect!" I fired back at him. He was in total shock, his eyes were large as a puppy and his mouth slightly gaped.

But once I realized what I just did. I quickly apologized to him. 

"Hyung! I totally didn't mean that!!! I'm just. Stressed now." Yixing hyung's lip's slowly curved into a smile. "Ooh. Our youngest brother finally fell in love." He awed, then nudged my arm. I signed and rolled my eyes. 

"Hyung.. NOT helping." I said, emphasizing 'not'. 

"Go find her. And we'll finish up things here." I signed as the rest of the group came walking in the front door.

"Hey Yixing! Sehun.. where are you going?" Xuimin asked, since I was grabbing jacket. "Ah, I need to go save my marriage." The rest signed. Then threw there jackets on the ground.

"Man.. You know how long we've been wanting to hangout with you? Now your just gonna bail on us? What the hell." Kai said with a semi pouty and mad face. 

"Guys. Let it go. He can hangout with us next time." Yixing hyung butted in. I quickly thanked him and ran past them, only to see them glare at me, and all there eyes on me like a hawk.


I drove around, looking for Naomi, but still nothing. Then remembered that I have Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé's number. 


S- Hey!

L- Hi Sehun! What's up?

S- You know where Naomi is?

L- Yeah.. look Naomi told me not to tell you... But I would feel bad not too. :(

S- Please tell me!! I need to apologize!! T-T

L- Fine fine. She's with me right now. Were at COEX Mall. Please come now. She's like having a mental breakdown.


I quickly drove there and ran around, remembering Naomi's favourite places to shop. 

"Mimi! Look at this fur-coat!! It's so pretty!!" I heard a familiar voice, and turned my head. I saw Naomi and the rest of them, they shopping. 

"Oh? Sehun-ah. When did you come here?" Jennie said. Naomi looked up to me with a look in her eyes. Like. Death is coming.

"Heyyyy.. Chaeyoung, Jennie, let's go in first. Naomi unnie, we'll see you later." Lisa said, dragging the others in, leaving Naomi, standing there.

I began to walk over to her, but Naomi backed away from me. I quickly grabbed her wrist, pulling her into my arms.

"Stop fighting it. Listen to me." I said in a stern tone. She stopped thrashing and stood still, her hands were placed gently on my chest, as I rested my head onto of her's.

"1. I'm sorry for bringing up your ringer. 2. I will by you another palette, and 3. I know why your mad at everything.. I know your a type of girl who doesn't like to throw a fight just like that. The reason you mad is that I bailed out on breakfast with you."

I finished my apology and hugged her tighter. Slowly Naomi's arms made her ways around my neck.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you this morning. But.. I just. I don't know. It was probably me overreacting." She said, trying to explain herself. I chuckled slightly at how cute she is. My hand patted her head, as my lips leaned in and kissed it. 

"Stop stop. I know and understand you Naomi. You don't have to ever be sorry." She slowly pulled away and smiled at me with one hand caressing my cheek, while both my hands were wrapped securely around her waist.

"Your so precious." She whispered. I smiled brightly at her. "Why thank you."

"Forgive me now?" She nodded her head with a bright beautiful smile. 

"WOAH!! You guys can be actors if you wanted too!" The 3 of them fangirl'd as Naomi hid her face in my chest, while I signed hard, licking my lips.

"Jeez guys. Way to ruin the moment." I complained. 

"Oh please. I'm have a feeling that you'll have more of these in the future." Jennie commented with a smirk, while Lisa and Chaeyoung 'ooh' and squealed. I looked down to Naomi and saw her cheeks are so pink, it was cute how she was hiding it too.

But I thought.

But will we have more in the future? What if we don't?






Hello Jennings!!

How was this chapter??

Thank you for reading!!



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