
347 10 0

August 25th 2016

A month ago, eomma, appa, and my in-laws canceled the contract for JaeOh Inc. The company was a huge loss for both families, and for the employees who worked there.

Including, Irene and Jaehyung.

Korea didn't take it well, when the news got out saying, the power couple of Korea only got married for 10 months, and then decided a divorce.

Both families got hate, mobbed by reporters and paparazzis. It was an exhausting month..

But today is the day were me and Sehun officially cut ties. It reminded me of the time we were about to get married.

I was nervous and scared of getting married.. but now, I'm scared and nervous of getting a divorce.

"Naomi?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my mother who was sitting in the passenger seat, while I was in the back.

"Yes eomma?"

"You should go in and sign it now." I nodded and got out of the car. I stared at the building standing before me.

I haven't seen him for a month. I wonder how he is.

Slowly my feet began to move towards the building, I gripped the tips of my coat.

I can do this.

Before I knew it. I was standing with my lawyer, and with Sehun in front of me. I tried my best to avoid his eyes, staring me down like I'm the pray, and he's the predictor.

"Ms.Jae, and Mr.Oh., you both with get equal shares of what you had-"

"It's all his. I'm taking none of it." I said bluntly. Sehun's eyebrows furrowed.

"Okay. In that case, we just need you to sign these papers and we would be done." We both nodded and put our signatures on where it was needed.

Once we were done, both our lawyers left, leaving only the 2 of us behind, and left in the room.

"Well. This is it.." He said in a low tone.

"Yeah... a divorce is the best choice. But we'll still be friends right?" I asked in a bright, cheerful voice. Sehun smiled and nodded.

"Of course wifey~"

"I-I wish you the best." My heart fluttered hearing him say wifey... I'll miss him calling me that, i'll miss everything about him.

"As do I."

We both walked out of the building and went our separate ways. So starting from today... I'm no longer and 'Oh', is now back to being a 'Jae'.

Honestly, I would be lying to myself if I say I was okay about this. Because I'm not. I'll miss those mornings where me and Sehun would be in the washroom, while one was showering, and one was brushing our teeth. I'll miss those days where we would sit around and do nothing all day, but enjoyed each others presence.

"Naomi, you got an letter from University of British Colombia." My father says with a bright smile. He handed me the letter, I opened the envelope and read through it.

"Well? What does it say?"

"I got accepted." I say with a bright smile. Appa hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm very proud of you. Congratulations sweetheart. When does school start?"

"September.." I whisper. "September 5th."

"Then you only have less then 2 weeks to get ready." Appa said. I nodded, but only to see him run out of my room and head over to his office.

"Naomi, get packing, your leaving to Canada tonight." My lips parted a bit.

"That's too early appa! I haven't even said goodbye to my friends!"I yelled, crossing my arms. Appa poked his head out and smiled.

"Then go call, and have today to hangout with them, but go pack first." He said, then headed back into his office. I sighed.

Grabbing my phone, I called the 3 of them and we decided to all of to my house and just have a girls day.


"Ahh!! Naomi!!! Do you have to leave tonight?!" Lisa asked. I nodded as I folded my clothes, and placed them in my suitcase.

"Appa got my plane ready for tonight."

"Can't you just miss it?" Jennie asked. I chuckled lightly. "Do you expect my father would let that happen, he got me a private plane." I replied. They all signed hard.

"Don't be too sad. If I do good in school, I'll be back in 3 years instead of 4." I cheerfully exclaimed, they all got on from my bed and hugged my tightly.

"Then do good in school, and come back soon."

"Yeah, our group isn't complete without you." Chaeyoung said. I wrapped my arms around them and embraced them even more.

"I love you guys so much."

"We love you too.


It was around 2 am in the morning, and I was saying goodbye to my parents.

"Study well Naomi, we'll come and visit you when we can okay?" I wiped my tears away and nodded.

"No boyfriends okay?" Appa said. I laughed and shook my head at the same time. "No promises, appa."

"I should go now.." Eomma hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. Appa did the same. "Here, this is the condo we brought for you to stay in while you in Vancouver." He said, giving me a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Thank you daddy." He gave me one last hug and whispered. "You'll always be daddy's little girl okay?"


I boarded the plane that appa arranged, I got everything settled and waited till we had to go. Before I knew it. I was already in the sky, looking down at Korea. It was a beautiful place that I grew up in. I'll miss everything about it. But I'll only be gone for about 4 years.. so it's not that long.

My mind suddenly was brought back to Sehun.. we made so many promises, and goals that each of us want to achieve.

"I wish you the best in Korea Hunnie."






Hello Jennings!!!

Did you enjoy this chapter??

It's a shame that they are no longer together... and also have gone seperate ways.

Thank you for reading!!



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