Chapter Four

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The waves crash over my body with a thunderous roar. The sea foam prickles against my face as I break through the surface and effortlessly prop myself up on my surfboard. My hair, dripping with water, is slicked back, keeping it from blowing all over the place. I have a stupid grin on my face. This is one of the easiest jobs I've had yet. I get to live by the beach and take my time with this kid. What more can I ask for?

The wave dies down and I sit on the board to paddle around, letting the tide move me. The sun is high in the cloudless sky as it beats down on me, and I am glad I slathered on sunscreen. No need to get a bad sunburn.

The ocean current carries me back to shore and I haul my board up, dragging it in the wet sand behind me.

Tomorrow I officially start high school. I am not looking forward to sitting through a bunch of pointless classes and doing work that I do not need. I have gotten educated in far more rigorous subjects that I can actually use in my area of expertise. The only thing that will be hard is not showing off how much I know. That is one way to attract unwanted attention.

I can feel the sand sticking to my feet as I walk to my striped umbrella and bright blue beach chair. I should grab some ice cream after this and get a good sense of the city's layout.

I covertly glance out of the corner of my eye to where Harry Styles is located. Of course I knew he was going to be here today. Just another reason for me to come out to the beach. According to his file, he comes to this one on a regular basis, especially during the summer since he has more time on his hands. He's currently playing catch with some guys.

I drop my board on the sand and dry myself off with my towel, slipping on my sunglasses so I can study Styles more.

He has an athletic build that moves deftly with every catch and throw. His hair is a tad longer than what I saw on his picture. His skin is darker from spending time in the sun I assume.

I take a long chug of my water and pull my hair into a bun as I wait patiently under the shade. Sooner or later- ahh, there it is. The football lands just a few feet from my spot. The spot that I perfectly planned so it is close enough that they would accidentally throw the ball over to me.

I hop off my chair and pick the football up, tossing it a few times in my hands. Styles runs over to me and I slyly smirk, which then turns to an inviting smile. "This yours?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that."

I pass the ball to him and start walking back to my chair. "It's totally fine," I say over my shoulder. "It's a good thing I didn't have to throw it back," I laugh, "I'm not much of a thrower."

He cocks his head to the side, a smile playing on his lips. "You can't be that bad. Here." He places the ball back in my hands and nods to his friends. "Toss it over to them."

I bite my lip, pretending to contemplate it. "Okay..."

I plant my feet firmly in the sand, align my fingers against the seam of the football, and chuck it hard in a perfect spiral into the hands of his friend.

Styles's mouth drops open in surprise. He turns to me in disbelief. "If that's your idea of a bad throw, then I am scared to see your good one." He extends his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Harry Styles by the way."

I almost laugh. Like I already didn't know that. Instead, I slide my sunglasses onto my head and grasp his calloused hand in a firm handshake. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"I don't think I've seen you around here before," he says.

"That's because I just moved here earlier this summer, actually. For my parents' work," I lie. This is too easy.

"Are you enrolled at Pacific High School?"

I nod. "The one and only."

"So, I guess I'll see you when classes start," he grins, already walking back towards his friends.

I slide my glasses back over my eyes. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

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