One of the Different Ones

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(Mystery POV... I have no idea who's it is XD)


What does the word mean?  

It depends.  It means usual.  It means not strange.  It means the same.

No one is the same.  There are so many different kinds of people, each unique with their own traits and personalities, and all kinds of little differences that set us each apart.

But if everyone is different, then is everyone abnormal, or is being different normal?

Maybe it doesn't really matter.  Or, well, it shouldn't matter.

But either way, I'll still always be considered one of the different ones.

...(This is a line break/POV change)...

"The one time that I'm on time-- and he's not even here yet!" America said as he sat down.  "That hypocritical-"

"Ve'll give him a couple minutes,"  Germany said, "and zhen ve'll put into action zhat new rule."

No one said anything.

Germany looked at them all and sighed.  "None of you remember vhat it even is, do you?"

"No, not really," America said.

"If anyone's really late zhen ve'll call zhem on speaker phone and let zhem know to get over here,"  Germany said.  "I zhought it might get more of you to get here on time, but..."

A couple minutes passed, most of the countries waiting for the phone call excitedly because that would probably be humiliating for England.

Germany finally pulled out a phone.  "I zhink ve've vaited long enough."  He called England and put it on speaker phone.  Anyone who had been talking stopped.

After a couple of moments, the call was answered.

"What do you want?" England snapped, sounding like he just woke up.

"Vhere are you?"  Germany demanded.

"Is this Germany?" England asked.  "Why are you calling me?"

"Ja.  And you're not at zhe meeting."

"Meeting?"  There was a moment of silence, before England muttered a curse.  "Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to be there.  There's something else that needs my immediate attention."

"And vhat vould zhat be?"  Germany demanded.

"My bed," England replied.  "Now leave me alone."  Then he hung up.

There was silence in the meeting room for a couple of seconds.

Then America laughed.  "Wow, I'm gonna need to remember that!"

Germany was not amused, of course.  He was about to call England again, but then he noticed a couple of nations looking at him.  It was who these nations were that made him pause before calling England.  One of them shook their head subtly before they all looked away.  Germany looked at his phone for a moment before putting it down.

"Ve'll have to start zhe meeting vithout England,"  Germany said.  "I'll keep a copy of zhe notes I take to give him."

If anyone wondered why he didn't end out trying again, they didn't show it.

After America's speech on global warming, the arguing started anyway.

"That would never be able to work!"  China said.  "Making a giant fridge to cool the Earth down would never work, aru!"

Greece was sleeping.  France, Romano, Antonio, China, and America eventually started arguing about who's food was better.

After a couple minutes of this, Germany predictably got annoyed.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" he shouted.  Once everyone quieted down, he sighed.  "Raise your hand if you honestly zhink zhis meeting is going to get anyvhere."

No one raised their hand.

"I didn't zhink so,"  Germany said.  He sighed again.  "Zhen I am done vizh zhis.  Zhe meeting's canceled."

There was a moment of shocked silence before everyone raced out of the doors.

"I'm going to be in so much trouble for zhis,"  Germany muttered.

A/N  Should I just give up on giving people accents?  What do you think so far?  I'm going to try and make the next chapter longer, but it should be out sometime soon.  I need your feedback, though, so please tell me what you think!  All comments and constructive criticism is welcomed.

-Alice Kirkland

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