Amelia and Other Stuff

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A/N I gave up on most accents, because I'm too lazy... Also too lazy to think of a good title. Also, I'd like to say that the 2ps of the nations aren't seperate beings in this, it's actually just kind of an alternate personality thing that the nation's fall into at times depending on their mood or something. Keep in mind that I'm writing this at like 5 in the morning for you all, and please give criticism and stuff. Anyway, I hope that you like this chapter!

~Olivia Kirkland

Germany went to his house in America (because that's where the meeting was) and conveniently forgot to inform his boss that he had let everyone go home early. He just sat down, extremely stressed out.

"Why do we even have those useless meetings, anyway?" He muttered to himself.

After a couple of moments, he checked what else he had to do today. He didn't have to do anything for (about) the next two hours, and then something in five hours.

But Germany saw what it said that he had to do in five hours, and he was honestly shocked to find that he forgot about it, since he had been looking forward to it all week.

Prussia walked in, eating something, and looked over Germany's shoulder at the calender on his phone, and then at Germany's phone, and started laughing.

"Did you seriously forget about it?" Prussia said, laughing.

"Shut up," Germany muttered, and Prussia laughed harder.

Prussia looked at Germany's phone again when he was finished laughing, and was suddenly surprised.

"Wait, it's July forth?"

This was Germany's face at this: -_-

"You didn't know that? America is your friend, and how England was today could have been at least partly because of that."

Prussia pouted. "I thought it was July third today..."

Germany almost facepalmed.

"...But that means that his party is today," Prussia realized. "...Sh!t."

"Relax," Germany told him. "The party is in two hours."

"Oh," Prussia said. "Well, zhe awesome me vill obviously be there!"

~•~Magical portal or something to America's house~•~

America took out his phone and called England. He wanted to ask England to come to his party, as he asked every year, even though England never said yes.

After a couple of rings, the phone was picked up.

"Hi!" Said a voice that America didn't recognize. It was a female British voice.

"Hi!" America said. "Is Artie there?"

There was a could seconds of silence before she responded. "Yes, he's right here, America. And he doesn't like to be called Artie."

"Yeah, I think he's said that a couple times."

America heard what he assumed was the phone being handed to England.

"What is it, git?"

America grinned. "Yo, dude! Are you coming to my party?"

"You already know the answer to that, and it's no," England said.

"Come on, just this one time! It's been two hundred something years and you haven't even come to one of my parties!"

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