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im.jaebum; you jealous that I have food and you don't??

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username; I'm hungry, thanks *hint my sarcasm*

lee.somin; you just told me you weren't bothered to buy food ??

username; I just ate lmao

browniee; where's ours?

username; he's too busy feeding himself 😂 @browniee

yourbae; give me some food too

daabdabb; for once you got your own food

username; is he THAT lazy ? @daabdabb

daabdabb; @username yes

lee.somin; @yourbae wtf you doing here you rat

yourbae; @lee.somin I'm not gonna steal your boyfriend, chill. I have a girlfriend

lee.somin; he isn't my boyfriend ... @yourbae

yourbae; @lee.somin totally

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