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im.jaebum; meet my new girlfriend. @choinaeun

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username; what?! Tf how long

username; I support you... I still hate you

username; yes! She's prettier then Somin! Thank god

username; ohhh naeun~ such a nice and cute name

username; she's pretty

username; I miss Somin but I'll support you :)

username; I literally just want to leave this earth I swear, this, whatever this is, is fucking complicated

username; lajskakjska so quick ?

choinaeun; aw babe ;-; why did you have to post a ugly one

yourbae; ..... *sigj* treat her right man, don't be stupid and hurt her

im.jaebum; yeah I won't @yourbae

username; ^ welp, I guess I should give up on Somin and jaebum now. I actually thought they were gonna get back together. My hopes were high

username; we love you jaebum, but sometimes you are so stupid but I love you so I'm willing to support you

username; I like how every support jaebum and naeun when they're dating and just hated Somin so much when those two were dating. People are fucking biased

username; I..... I'm speechless but it's okay

username; @username true, everyone just hated on Somin for no damn reason

lee.somin; yay! You found a new girl, I hope you two last forever and I hope you treat her right! Don't ignore her and always pay attention to the smallest thing :) it was fun dating you while it lasted but I guess I have to move on. Me thinking there was a second chance between us is funny. Anyway! Have fun in this dating journey that you just entered :)

username; I just want to cry ^

username; Somin is so supporting, I lub her

username; poor Somin

username; I love Somin but I only spread positive vibes not negative so I support jaebum' anew relationship.

username; if Somin support, I will too

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