one hundred & three

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warning, this chapter contain
murder (not really)
cussing (swearing)


"ugh, wake up tough shit."

as Somin wake up, she notice she was on the floor and when she looked up up, she see Naeun standing in front of her with a smirk. it seems like Naeun and her is in a basement of someone's house, probably Naeun.

"oh gosh, you're uglier in real life Naeun."

Naeun smirk drop.

"let's see if you're still tough when I torture you and watch you die slowly and painfully."

Naeun smirk as she walk towards one corner of the basement and coming back with a knife.

"so, Somin, let's see how tough you really are."

with both of Somin's arm wrapped in duck tape and place in the front, Naeun grabbed one of her hand, well both since they were duck taped together, and placed the knife right above her right wrist.

"I hear you like cutting to get attention. let's start with your wrist then."

when Naeun said that, she place the sharp knife down onto Somin's right wrist, applied pressure and dragged the knife vertically down Somin's wrist till there was signs of blood.

for the next minute or so, there was at least 50 line of cuts and Naeun wasn't satisfied.

"okay I'm bored, seems like cutting your wrist isn't that fun. how about I ruin your pretty little face? I mean, you're gonna die so." Naeun shrugged.

"I like how you're killing me over your boyfriend commenting on my post. calm down psychopath, don't need to kill me just because you're jealous."

"of course I'm a psychopath. I'm not doing this because I'm jealous, I'm doing this because I'm bored. Now entertain me with your scream."

Naeun slashed Somin's face repeatedly until Somin cried out, screaming at Naeun to stop.

"oh look, she finally cried out."

Somin's right cheek was slashed 2 to 3 times, her left cheek slashed 4 times, the forehead twice and her chin 2 times. Her face was now covered in fresh blood.

"see, you look so much prettier when the blood cover your face."

Naeun look down at the basement floor to see blood everywhere and looked at her watch.

"ugh, stop dripping blood everywhere tough shit, I only have 30 minute to clean this before Jaebum come."

Somin was left on the floor while Naeun laughed at her and cleaning the floor.

after cleaning, Naeun put her equipment back in the box where it belong.

"well that was fun but we'll have more fun watching you getting torture tomorrow, have fun with the blood. bye bitch."

Naeun blew a kiss at Somin, who was covered in fresh wounds, blood and with a cloth taped around her mouth so she couldn't scream, and left to go and open the door for Jaebum.

after a few minute, Somin could hear Naeun and Jaebum discussing about Somin's disappearance.

at one time, Somin can hear Jaebum asking Naeun if she has seen Somin because he's 'worried' for her and Naeun acting all innocent saying she's "worried for Somin's safety" and "hoped somin come home okay."

Somin looked around the basement and notice a camera.

"if I make it out alive, you're so dead Naeun."

of course she didn't say it out loud since she had a cloth in her moth, she said it in her head.

"I need to find a way to escape this psychopath."

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