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lee.somin; they say, the one that smiles the most are the one that's hurting the most :))

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username; are okay??

username; omg you attention seeker, just get off Instagram already

username; yo, you good ?

yourbae; answer your phone rn! Where the hell are you? I can't even track you down!

username; ^ aksjaksj where IS SOMIN

username; is Somin okay? What's wrong ?

username; biatch, just jump of the bridge already jee

username; ^ man, you jump off a bridge

username; so pretty~

username; okay I was inactive for literally TWO DAYS and I'm missing out A LOT

username; @username I'll Dm you the details man

jungjae; I'm actually scared to death, where are you? Talk to me

username; has anyone try looking up where she is by the photo?

username; ^ uhhh nope apparently

bambam; you were fine a few days ago! What happen ??

username; we love you somin, just please remember that

yu.gyeom; please call me back, I need to make sure you're okay!

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