So long and good-bye

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I was three months in to my spell at La Morte. Sleeping like a baby. No more hellish night visits from violent apparitions. La Morte was behaving herself wonderfully. I guess she didn't count on my insanity outmatching her own. However today I woke with a different sense of dread. I had been worrying on the approach of this day more and more since the sudden realisation that I had feelings for Erica. Today was her last day at La Morte. After this she was free to go. Back to her family. Back to her cat. Back to her old life. I didn't even know if she knew how I felt. How did she feel about me? Did she give a shit? I had been trying to work up the courage to tell her for weeks. I love you. So simple. So mushy. So scary. So much fall out if it goes wrong. Fall out for me. I'm sure she would just walk away and never look back. I would. If I was her. And it was me. I really am just an insecure mess when it comes down to it.

I woke early for once and went down to the deserted café. I wanted Erica's last day to be special. I brewed coffee and set to work making her pancakes. Breakfast in bed. Everyone likes that don't they? Then I would tell her. Then I would only have to face one full day of rejection if... perhaps I would tell her later. As I was making a second batch of batter (my first had been a lumpy mess not fit to serve a rat) Erica drifted down the stairs. She looked refreshed. But also slightly sad. I guess after 12 months you do get attached to.... Get used to a certain way of doing things.

'So.... Your last day eh? Pancakes?' I asked, smiling my most dazzling morning smile.

'Oh that's so sweet of you, yes thank you, and coffee if it's going please Damian,' she smiled back. I thought I would split at how happy that smile made me.

I poured her coffee and took over a stack of misshapen pancakes. Cream, strawberries, maple syrup, butter, lemon, sugar. I had prepared everything.

'This is quite luxurious I must say!' she laughed. Damn it! Why did I love that laugh so much.

'Now you have to wait until midnight don't you? Before you can head out the door?' I asked. I genuinely hadn't even thought about this. Of course a day ticks over at midnight, so it would make sense.

'Nope, I can go anytime I like. Technically my time was up at midnight last night, so I was gonna pack my things after breakfast and head out. I wanna see my mum and my cat first,' she replied, still smiling widely.

'Are you going to call your mum before your see her?'

'I thought about it. I think I might have to be a bit careful how I do this. I'm going to go to the police station first and hand myself in. I'm still a missing person, and it will be easier for my mum to handle my return if it comes from the police. I think,' she furrowed her brow and looked down.

'Well,' I forced a smile of my own, 'it sounds like you have a plan, and everything is under control, now eat your pancakes before they get cold.'

A few hours later and Erica was all packed. Luke was supposed to come past and say goodbye, but he had yet to make an appearance. Erica wanted to wait for him, to say thank-you, but I suggested just dropping past another time to see him. It was also a good way for me to see her again too. I remember the time being emblazoned on my memory. 3:15pm. She was walking out of my life. Perhaps forever. And there was nothing I could do about it. I still didn't have the courage to say anything. Coward. I watched her walk away towards the door. Open the door. Step out into the patchy sunlight and then immediately collapse in a heap on the cold concrete footpath outside. My eyes widened as adrenaline coursed through me. I ran through the café, pushing people aside, tearing open the door and within moments I had her cradled in my arms. Serendipitously Luke chose those moment to appear. It felt as though he had planned this.

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