Why Not?

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life had final started to slow down enough to where I felt like I won't drop the ball on anything I love where we are now...

C:so what are u saying Erica..

E: I'm saying let's think about this we already have some much going in my..our lives what are we going to do with other child...

C: we will be find Erica and Jose isn't just other child he is our son he's Manny...she grabs her phone..he needs be home with his family

E: I know that baby but y do we have to b the once to do...

C:what are u saying...she get out of bed..u don't Manny to come home u don't want him no more..

E: its not that but baby how are we going to handle a 2 month year old 7 year old n 1 1/2 year old at once its lot to take on for two people...Nikkie starts to cry..we cant do it baby...we walked into the nurse from the look on Cyn face she was pissed..

C: why not there u go baby..she lays her down on the changing table..hand me the wipes...why not..

E: why not baby we have so many thing n the air how we going to be able to give him what he wants..

C: well we can u said once we had to much love to give...she looks back up at Erica...then u say that come on baby girl..she picked up the baby n go back to there bedroom..

E: yes I said that but...uhhh u r not getting what I'm saying baby

C: no I getting what I said but...she get n the bed...I'm saying that he is coming home I want my son in this house by the end of the week....

E: how are u going to take care of two babies n a 7 year old..she comes n sit n the bed...what are u going to do

C:what do mean u are here...she lays Nikkie between her legs...are u saying u leaving me again if I dont do what u said Erica answer me...she was about to get up but Erica grabbed her arm..

E:baby I'm not going to leave u look at me...she grabs Cyn face..baby I would never leave u again okay we are a family I will never leave my family

C: then its decide we are going to get Manny I will call them now let me get my phone..whats the number I'm call now

E: no I don't want to get him back we are fine y rock the boat baby..she gets out the bed n we go back and forth for hours...look baby all I'm saying let's think about this before do it..I was standing in our closet holding Nikkie watching Cyn pick out something to wear..baby can u just think about it

C: I hear u n u have though about it n I said I want my son...come to mama Nikkie I want all my children home n that it... know I'm done talking about this I have to go..

E: what where are u going to we are not done with I said no...she was following Cyn downstairs..baby u can't just leave er need to talk about this..

C: we have talk about this n I said he is coming I will called them myself n do whatever it take I want my family..she open the door..u need to get on the boat cuz Manny is coming home it u like it or not..she goes out the door...she must have lost her damn mind of course Manny is going home DAMN IT..Nikkie start to whine...im sorry baby mommy is just a little up site right now...how about we go see aunt Gina...she turns on the cat n drive to Gina house...Hey G

G: hey mama how are..hug n kiss..u in my god baby doing...she leads Cyn to the kitchen...can u get u something

C:she is doing good just getting big me on other hand I need a shot of anything u have...she sits at the table...

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