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I was so tried we had been gone all day at the mall and I still didn't find anything to that I like after running into my home girl Nya and meet her new boo the bitch I found n bed with my mama Travis anyway when we got home Erica went to feed Nikkie for me so I went to put Manny down for his nap I must have fell asleep cuz all I here is my name being screamed by the one n only my wife Erica Mena

E:CYNTHIA MENA....she bused open the door which scary Manny...

C: ERICA WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH U...she scoops up Manny n her okay baby stop crying..she looks at Erica...what the hell r u screaming my name for at the top of the lungs

E: what the hell is wrong with u...she put her hand on her hip...we are married now how could u do this

C:what hell u talking about do what...she sits up n the bed

E: how could u do this to us after all we have been through..she looks at are cheater

C: I'm I a cheater Erica

E: how long have u been talking and meeting up with Travis behind my back..she did say anything she just stood there looking at me...Cyn you don't have anything to say...still she say nothing..that's it..she storms out the room

C: ERICA....she sit Manny down n the play pin then went behind Erica..Erica wait let me explain this...Erica was pacing back n forward when she came n the room...ERICA

E: what Cynthia..she stop n look at her..what do u have to say

C: look baby yes we talk from time to time...she grabs Erica look at me all we do is talk

E:just talk he said to meet him your "spot"...she jerks away from Cyn..what the hell u doing meeting up with him...are u having sex hun...Cyn tries to grab Erica face but Erica move her hand...are u

C:no baby we are not have sex I would never to do something like that to u

E: then y r u meeting up with him I though u said u didn't even want to see him again

C: I didn't look baby sit down...they sit on the end of the bed...I never would have sex with him

E: then what is it then...she grabs Cyn something wrong is something

C: no baby...she kiss Erica...u are perfect  it just that...

E: it just what...

C:is just that he gives me something that I need right now

E: WHAT THE HELL...she drops Cyn hand n stand up..what the hell is he giving u

C: he gives me something that I need right now...


C: no baby I don't want that..she walk over to Erica.. we are just hanging out but if u are uncomfortable with it I will end it

E:bullshit u knew I wouldn't like this that y u keep if from me...she starts to walk out the room..u know what u was doing from the began

C: what are u talking about baby

E: Cyn don't play dumb u knew what u was getting into u could have told me when he first contacted u...she down the stairs...I choose to hide it from me if u know u was wrong that's y u have tears n your motherfucken..she looks over at Cyn..u rode my ass cuz I was still working with Rich I told u every time we meet up cuz I know so there be any drama

C:I know that..she wipes away her I'm sorry

E: no u not cuz u would have told me..she grabs her keys...or stopped but he is giving u something that I can't...she goes the front door

C:baby where are u going we are talking

E: no we are done talking...she grabs the door nob..but answer this

C: what baby I will answer anything

E: are u going to see him tomorrow

C: I don't know I have to think about it

E:well y u "thinking about it" you putting your marriage on the line..she pulls open the door

C:what are u say u will leave me if I go see Travis that's fucked up Erica

E: I'm not saying nothing all same is think about..she leave out the door

C: ERICA...but she was gone she got in the car n was gone hours when bye and Erica still wasn't home when it got dark I called King to get bath so he can eat in get ready for school the little once wasn't to bad they went down I check my phone still nothing from Erica I jump in the shower after a few hours of sitting up for Erica when I looked at the clock it was 4:00 n the morning I need to get King n the little ones up n 3 hours..she goes to sleep

so here is the next chapter leave me come comments let me know what u guys think do u think Erica should b mad and what do u think Travis is giving Cyn that she can't get at home let me know and don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE...@Tremaine81 I will never say it

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