The Chase

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Cyn: so doctor what's going on how is that she remembers everything while she is asleep but not when she is awake

Dr.:well this is the X-ray we did when for 2 months ago of your wife brain..holding up the X-ray..remember how I #Her brain had swollen and it was all the add pressure on the frontal lobe which is causing memory loss

C: okay I remember that's so what's going on now

Dr.:when u came in we took a scan of #Her brain and the swelling has going down a lot..smiling at Erica..this great news

C: well what happen last night while she was asleep

Dr.: well when u are asleep your brain is at rest and just like everyone in the world u start to go over your day highs and lows but what Erica its different

E:how so

Dr.:well Mrs.Mena your brain is trying to help u remember your life as it heal itself so the memory will start to come back slow in bits and pieces as it doing now

E: so what was my dream

Dr.: your dreams was basically like a home video for showing flashbacks of different part of your day or life the only problem with dreams is u never remember them

C: so what can we do to help #Her remember

Dr.:take Erica around the old neighborhood show #Her things that hold synonym value to #Her that will bring back memories videotape and pictures from family trip gift that u exchanged on birthday holidays anniversaries

E:and what about the kids

C: they was so happy when we left them about Erica remembers who they are

Dr.:yes bring the children around as much as possible just don't push to hard

C: okay I wont I just don't want to break there little harts again..looking down Erica take Cyn hand

E:hey are u okay

C: I'm fine don't worry about it..looking up at the doctor..will that be all

Dr.: yes ma'am I will be giving u a call and a few week's to check the progress

E:okay thank u..I get down off the bed then go change back into my cloths as we was leaving the doctor office I see Cyn on the phone I see how painful this is for #Her that I can't remember our life and the love we once shared together it must have been a good life for #Her be sticking by me

C:yea we going to try it well I talk to you later and kiss my babies for me..she hangs up the phone and look at Erica..u ready to go

E:yea..we got in the car..hey can I ask u something

C: sure..pulling up to a red light..what's up

E:why stay if you know there is a chance that I want every remember u look very young and very beautiful you can go out there and start a whole new life

C: thank u and I know that I could just leave and start over get a new life but I don't want to..looking at Erica..I want my old life back and I'm willing to fight to get back because I love u so much and I know deep down in there u love me just as much

E:okay so what do we do now

C: try to jog your memory anyway we can any ideal where u wanna start

E:how did we meet

C:i can show u just let me check..she takes out #Her about we meet up later on tonight

E:okay just drop me at my moms house so I can get my car

C: okay..they pull up to Anna house..okay just give me a hour then I will come and get u

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