Come On Baby U Can Do It

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I can't believe its finally here I fell like I have be pregnant forever I was ready to be mommy I know I have King that's my baby but this will be my baby someone I carried for 9 months am so ready to meet #Her...when we got to the hospitals Erica was yelling at people to make them come in help me I could see she was nervous as she was helping me to get dress I grabbed her face n kiss I'm okay...but I could still see she was nervous n happy at the same time just like me...but damn it i don't know if am ready to be a mommy what if i look over at Erica and she kiss me on the forehead like she knew what i was thinking...when in look up I see Erica on one side of me my mom on the other side when I look down and see nurse Betty holding my leg well it doesn't matter now she was coming if I was ready or not...

E: come on baby push you can do it baby come on....I stop and look at her I can see she was worried...u are doing fine come on baby...come on baby push...she push again...come on baby one more time...

C: I can't it hurts to much baby...trying to breath..I can't do it...

Nurse Betty: yes u can sweet u are almost there I can see her hair..she smile at Cyn...just a little longer...

C: baby..I squeeze her I can't  do this am tried...go see go see how much longer

E: its okay baby am right her I got u just breath...she so find she has a full head of hair...I go back up and kiss Cyn...alright baby push...she push again...okay one more time baby...

C: uhhhhhh...u said one more before how much longer....she lays back to catch her

Nurse Betty: u have to do one more baby make it a big one then u are done come...she rubs Cyn on the knee...u can do this sweet one big one n can meet ur baby girl

C: okay baby...I grab Erica hand...okay uhhhhhhhhh....

Nurse Betty:stop stop she is hear...

C:let me see I was out of it until I heard #Her crying...I look up to Erica she was already crying...

Nurse Betty: how would u like to meet ur baby girl...she hands the baby to Cyn...there u go mama u did a great job

C: thank u...i look down at my baby girl she was so beautiful and she was mines 7 lbs 4 oz. 20 in. long she had dark brown hair like mines and light brown eyes to match...oh hey baby...

E: she is beautiful baby u did a great job...I kiss Cyn on the forehead she never looks up she had the biggest smile on her face and tears in her eyes she was in love with her already and I knew exactly how she was feeling I felt the same way when King was born I shut the whole world out he was the only thing that matter...hey baby I'm go tell King she is her okay

she didn't answer me...she leave out the room and head down the hallway to go see the whole family was there...hey what are u guys doing here...

Anna: what do u mean what are we doing here...she hugs baby is have a baby I wouldn't be anywhere is she doing...

E: hahaha I didn't mean it like that mama I just know u guys was here...

K: I called them mama..he comes up and hug Erica...

E: well thank u baby....she looks back up at her happen so fast I didn't have time to called anybody...

K: is mama okay...

E: she is fine baby she right down there...she points to Cyn room...

K: can I go see her....

E: not right now baby soon...but mama she is so beautiful I love her already...

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