Chapter 4

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Ms. Sarocha's POV

I woke up early today, maybe because the weather was cold. I started cooking our breakfast already. A simple breakfast, fried rice, bacon and egg

"Estelle! What's that?! It smells good!" My best friend Naomi shouted from her room.

She's been living with me in the house since she was kicked out by her own parents. She acts like a child, that's why. She, too, is a teacher like me at the same school.

"Come and just eat," I said, getting two plates, forks, and spoons for both of us.

"No drinks?" She pouted, looking at me. I glared at her.

"Get yourself a drink, you lazy ass." I hit her head with my spoon, causing her to hiss in pain.

"Who sent you home last night? Your car was not in the garage when I came home," she asked, filling her mouth with food.

"Just someone from school," I answered, not interested in going further.

I was not supposed to agree to her offer last night, but my car broke down, and buses would be filled due to heavy rain. I don't want to walk either as I don't like to be wet.

At 8:00, I had already reached the school and went straight to the lecture room to prepare my lesson. Being a teacher is stressful because of some immature students, just like Ms. Armstrong. Ugh! Feeling her lips on mine makes me fume. First things first, I'm not a lesbian; I'm not interested in girls! Second, she is my student! What the hell! It's stressing me for real.

But I love teaching, so I need to be patient.

Just after a few minutes, students came in one after another, filling the room with noise. Typical students talk about their crushes and fancy clothes. They seem happy, so let them be.

"Ms. Sarocha! You look good today!" A male student shyly shouted.

"Ms. Sarocha, your face is gorgeous; can you share your makeup brand?" The group of girls squealed.

"Class, please settle down. Thank you for the compliment." I chuckle at their remarks. I just know they only wanted to avoid the quiz today because I reminded them to review yesterday's lesson.

"Okay, all thanks, but the quiz is still up, so settle down now."

"Aaaawwww!" Their faces look disappointed. I know how it feels.

"Okay, so let's start!"

"Ms. Sarocha, wait!" someone raises her hand. What reason do you have again? I told her to go on.

"Derren is not here yet! So we can't start the quiz! She's going to miss it."

I scanned the room; I forgot about her for a moment. She wasn't around.

"Well, I'll let her take the quiz when she's present, so now class, stop making excuses; no matter what happens, the quiz is still up," I said, starting the quiz already. First question, and they grunted already.

Time passed really fast until the bell rang for lunch. Students rushed into the cafeteria, and I went in too with Naomi. We walk towards the table for the teachers, but then my eyes dart into a specific table where I've seen her before, staring at me. But now that she's not there, it's weird since it is already lunchtime and her probably friends are already there.

"Are you okay, Estelle? You seem out." Kath pulled me down to sit when we reached the teacher's section.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured her, but she wouldn't stop.

"I've known you since high school. What's bothering you?" She pushed the topic. What am I going to say? I'm wondering where that specific student's whereabouts—the one who kissed me?

"Nevermind," I answered, so she glared at me.

"I'm just wondering since one of my students is absent and I saw her yesterday soaked from the rain." I partly told her the truth.

"You're stupid. What could you expect? She will surely get sick" She's right; she might be sick. I must have considered her then as excused.

We ate our lunch, and it was not too long when the bell rang again. She still wasn't there until the last period.

My conscience won't stop bothering me since I acted like I didn't care yesterday and the fact that I am her teacher, I know I should have cared at least. It's not all my fault, though, after what happened...

I decided to look into the information to find her address.

IDF 508

She only lives a few blocks away from my house!

Okay. It's not hard to find her house after all.

I had my car fixed this morning already, so it works fine now. It's a white Porsche 911.

I started to drive into my street—and her street. I slow down my car and read their house number.





I parked my car at the side and went out.

I pressed the doorbell, but no one opened the door. I rang the bell a few more times, but no one answered. My eyes caught the lock of the gate, and it was open. I pushed through and found myself knocking on the door of their house.

No one answered, I already trespassed through the gate, I can't trespassed into the house. That is so illegal.

I heaved a sigh and started walking away, but stopped when I heard the door opened.

"What are you doing here?" A husky voice startled me. My gosh, whose voice was that?

I look back, and it was her.

"Uh, I just wanna check on you since you were absent." She was wearing sweatpants, a sweatshirt and a furry slipper.

"No teacher visits their students. And one more thing, it's none of your business," I furrowed my eyebrows at her reply. So ungrateful.

"Teachers do, and you are in my class."

"Not anymore, as you've said, I can change my subject teacher. I called the school this morning to change my teacher in all the classes I have you so you can go now. You're not my teacher anymore," she said coldly. I noticed her chapped lips and her pale face.

"You seriously did that?" I can't believe she was serious about her words.

"I did it because I can't stand seeing you." She can't stand seeing me.

Where is she coming from? I have been no one but understanding towards this person. If it was other teacher, she would have been kicked out of the school.

"You don't need to switch classes. You can stay, and I can forget all those that happened. I just hope that it won't be repeated again." I move a step closer to her, but she backs off.

"Stop! You're all the same! Just get the hell out of here! Leave me alone!"  She yelled, but I know it hurts her. She is still sick based on her appearance.

Before I could say anything, she collapsed, and I was fast enough to catch her. I did the best thing that I could do at the moment, I carried her and put her on the sofa of her living room which was immediately located when I entered her home.

What am I going to do with you? Sigh.

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