Chapter 8

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My head damn hurts. Geez, I knew it. I shouldn't have drunk what Nolan offered. That was the strongest drink I had ever had in my life.

I glance at my mini-clock on the nightstand and it shows 10:06 A.M.

Goodness, I'm freaking late. Way to go!

I stood up from my bed and did my daily routine. I pulled cereal and fresh milk from the fridge and poured them into my bowl. There's no need to rush, I'm late anyway. Perhaps I can watch some cartoons before going. Tom and Jerry would be nice, although I am 19 years old, Tom and Jerry is an all-time favorite cartoon, yeah?

And So I did. I watched some cartoons before I went to school.

My head still hurts, and I would never go clubbing with them anymore. I drag my lazy feet to the elevator, which directs me to the 7th floor, where my class will be. I heard the bell ring, indicating third period. It's Miss Sarocha again for physics.

I just wonder if we—me and her—can be attracted to each other like magnets. At least physics applied.

As I got there, I saw students one by one entering the room. She's probably checking if all of them have their assignments. She's been telling us, but we keep forgetting or pretending that we forgot to do them.

"Good morning, Miss!" I greeted her while plastering a wide smile, but she didn't return it.

"Good morning." She said with a straight face.

I just shrugged and walked past her, directing myself to sit at the front.

"Good morning, Miss Sarocha!"

"Good morning too. Hurry up and settle down." she said with a sweet voice.

Just wtf?How can her voice be so sweet when others talk to or greet her? It is just unfair that she treats me differently! Negatively!

She closed the door and stood in front of the white board.

"Before we begin, I just want you to know that the physics we are going to discuss this semester and the following semester is far from that of physics when you were in lower year. This is going to be more complicated and a calculator is needed. If you want, you can buy this kind of book at the bookstore nearby so that you guys will easily understand what I'll be teaching. Also, don't think that what I have taught you guys the previous days will be counted in your upcoming activities. We were just recalling your topics when you were still high school students."

There will be more books in my locker then.

She continued the discussion.

I started typing lectures on my laptop too. Almost all of us already use gadgets for noting lectures because it makes our work easier and less hassle.

50 minutes later.

One by one, students are walking out of the room. I was walking towards the door when Ms. Sarocha called me to stay. I wonder what it is. I wasn't late. Well, I was absent in previous class, but at least I'm not late for this class.

She ordered me to sit first. She is sitting in her seat while working with her laptop again.

"Why were you absent on my first class?" she asked without looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Why? Did you miss me? You should have texted me, and I'll come right away when you need me." I said with a wink, albeit she wouldn't see it. She won't even spare me a glance.

"Stop it, Miss Armstrong. Stop hitting on me. You had too much. I am asking because I am your teacher and I have the right to know why you were absent in my class." she said sternly. Now look at me. Do I really need to make you mad so you can look at me? Seriously. I'll keep pissing you off, then.

"Why do you even care?"

"As I have said, I am your teacher, and I should know so that I can write it on my record on why you were absent." she fights back. She won't back out, won't she?

"Okay. Just put it in 'Derren, having sex all night' "I said and laughed, gesturing my middle finger and index finger for the quotation symbol. She is more than mad right now; she's fuming.

"Fine. Sorry. I had a headache. That's not a lie now." I laughed, and I got a glare in return, which put me off.

"I'm sorry. Do you need me to do something?" I ask, not wanting to go further on her bad side.

"Nothing. You can go." she said, and she went back to work with her laptop.

I'm going to have my lunch and will have her again as my teacher for research.

For now, I have to deal with those two bugs in my life!

I pushed on the glass door of the cafeteria and searched for Iris and Nolan.

At the corner, I saw them laughing together. I furrowed my brows and run towards those two.

"You and you! Do you know how wasted I was last night? And you did not even help me!" I shouted at them and gained some attention from the crowd. I glared at all of them, and they all went back to eating. I was going to face the two again, but I saw them already exiting the place.


[Oh, sorry, my lovely cousin, we didn't mean too. Dad was looking for me last night, so I rushed back home. You know, I might be grounded now if I did not go home last night.] - Iris

I read her text and got more mad!

[Nolan could have been with me! Where the was he? And I don't care if you are grounded by Uncle! I would suggest not allowing you to go out anymore until you rot in your room! I'm going to fulfill that!]

I texted back while tapping my screen quickly and pressing hard.

I sat there calming myself, and because of them, I was charged $3000 because of last night. I just remembered all the things that happened last night when one of the workers contacted me to pay the bills or else they would tell the police. According to him, the worker, I told the people at the club that all drinks were on me, so they got their drinks for free! I just wasted $3000 on drinks for others.

My headache is getting bad!

20 minutes later...

Why isn't she coming in? Is she skipping lunch? I couldn't see her eating with the teachers. She must be working overtime right now. Geez.

I don't know what has gotten to me, but I decided to check on her in the room where our classes are always held. She was there, busy.

I opened the door and put the tray in front of her.

"What is this? she cluelessly asks while pointing at the tray of food.

"Well, can't you see? There is uhmm, a club house sandwich, vegetable salad, tempura, pineapple juice, and water if you don't like pineapple juice." I said, smiling cheekily.

"I don't know what you want, so I just bought what is available. I didn't see you at the cafeteria, so I conclude you haven't eaten yet. Have you?"

She was blank, not saying anything. She shook her head.

A thank you would have been nice.

"Bye bye, Miss! Don't forget to eat your lunch! You still have 1 hour before classes will start!" I bid a goodbye before going out of the room to let her eat.

It would be nice to stay, but I know she doesn't like me there. I don't want her to skip her lunch, though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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