Chapter 7.

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~Finn's POV~

"Ughhh, my head. Mom?" Y/n managed to weep out, she looked over to my mother and I. My mom ran out of the room to get help, I slowly walked to Y/n. She flinched as I got closer, "Y-Y/n? You.... You're awake?" I stuttered in utter shock.

"I'm sorry... Who are you?" She asked groggily, "You don't remember me?" I wanted to cry, to runaway. The love of my life doesn't know who I am, she slowly shook her head and looked at the doctor that stood behind me. I turned around as tears welled up in my eyes, "Wait, who am I? You obviously know me, so can you tell me? Please?" She spoke in the lowest voice I've ever heard. How can I refuse? "How are you feeling, Ms. L/n?" The doctor cut me off before I could get one word out.

"L/n?" She repeated in confusion, that's when it hit me. She has no clue who she is.

~Amnesia girl's POV~

Whom the fuck are they talking about?

Am I dating that boy?

Is that my mother?

What's up with the guy in the robe?

Is it cold?

Can they bring me fries?

So many questions, so little answers. "She has zero clue of who she is! It's no use to confuse her even more!" That boy, I think I'll call him 'Curly fry', bickered with robe guy. "Can I call you 'Curly fry'?" I interrupted their fight, "Me? Why?" Curly fry asked and I quickly responded "Well that's what your hair reminds me of! Burnt Curly fries!". He let out a small laugh and nodded, I smiled at him, I like his laugh!

"So what are we?" I asked awkwardly, he stared at me in awe for a moment, leaving us in a comfortable silence. "Um, we're best friends?" He questioned as if he didn't even know me and he'd just stumbled into my hospital room, "Oh, are we like...... Kinky besties?" His eyes widen at my question and he violently shook his head 'no'. "So, what's my name?" I asked, wow, I must sound so retarded asking for MY name, "Y/n, Y/n L/n! And I'm Finn Wolfhard!" He widely grinned at me, making me laugh out my words "Ew! I have a weird name! I mean you're really something, Wolfhard!" He laughed whilst shaking his head again.

"So, do you remember anything?" He asked as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, I nodded and he looked shocked, "Really? What?" He said excitedly. "I, um, lemme expose myself real quick. I know I liked you! I mean can you blame me though? You're pretty hot!" He went bright red as I spoke, "Um, thank you?" He laughed before someone came barging through the door and into my arms.

"Oh, baby. Baby, I missed you so bad!" The person cried out.

Should I remember them?

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now