Chapter 10.

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•Hands off•
~Finn's POV~

That filthy dog, taking advantage of her memory loss. I never thought he would do that, what happened to MY old friend?

I watched as he felt up MY best friend, slaughtering him with my eyes. "Well, well... If you don't mind, I don't really appreciate you getting touchy-feely with my daughter, Grazer!" Y/n's mom, M/n (Your mom's name), stated in anger. He removed his hands from her face and torso, flashing a small smirk over at me. He walked next to her as we talked, we were almost to the end of the driveway, Y/n looked up at the big house and sighed, "What's wrong, greenie?" I asked and looked over at her, "I-I thought -just maybe- I'd remember some-something about my, my old life. A-Anything at all really..." she looked down, I could see her eyes water up before she wiped her face and looked back up. "Hey! Y/n, come 'ere!" I said before she came trotting over with a smile, "You're gonna need this for the surprise!" I smiled back and passed her a blindfold, she hesitated and the tied it around her eyes. I grabbed her hands and slowly lead her into the backyard, I put her in a certain place and got the ring out of my back pocket, "Can I take it off yet, Curly fry?" She whined. I looked over to everyone else, I looked at the small tables and chairs, the flowers, the food, the fairy lights, but mostly? Mostly I looked at the girl. The girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The girl I dreamt about throughout my childhood. The girl who helped me through my life. The girl I wanted to call mine. And her name is Y/n Mid/n (Middle name. If you don't have one ignore this.) L/n. I knelt down on one knee and opened the small box, "Okay, take it off!" I smiled and she did as I demanded, she threw it on the grass and looked at me. Her eyes were the size of the moon, her hair dazzled in the moonlight, she was stunning.... Absolutely beautiful... A masterpiece in the hands of an artist.. I don't deserve her, I never did..

Her jaw dropped at the ring, "Wah? What is it for? I mean, it's beautiful, but-" I cut her off by laughing and shaking my head, "I just thought you might want your promise ring back, I kept it..." I spoke softly as everyone
-besides Jack- stared in awe, she came and pulled me into a hug, "Thank you, Finn." She whispered into the crook of my neck.

"Well, it's your party!" I whispered back and pulled out of the hug, "WELCOME HOME, Y/N!!!" everyone yelled in unison. She smiled and slipped on the ring, then she ran and hugged everyone...

One day that will be her wedding ring...

(Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a great Christmas, I don't think I'll have another chapter up until after, that's why I made two today! Well, happy holidays!)

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now