Chapter 15.

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•Family First•
~Your POV~

"Okay, okay. So, let me get this straight! Okay, so, I kissed him on a school playground? And we were up there until the teachers came looking?" I giggled, "Yep! And you came home and gasconaded about it for like a week!" He smiled and stood up, I stood up with him, "Uh, gas- O-what now?" I laughed in confusion, "It's another word for brag." He laughed, ruffling my hair, "I have to go, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Tell mom I say "Hi", yeah?" He said and pulled me into a hug, "Thanks, Tim." I smiled on his shoulder. He unlocked the door and walked out, "I'll see you in a bit, Okay?" He looked back and nodded to me.

~Finn's POV~

I sat there in my car, the music played loudly, I stared ahead of me, a café stood there, "Hey! Are you going to stay in your car? Or are you gonna gimme a hug?" I heard from outside my car, I opened the door and hugged them, "I've fucking missed you!" I cried out, "I've missed you, too, dude! So, what's up?" They asked from behind me, we walked into the café and sat at a table, "What do you do, if perhaps, you're in love with a girl and she doesn't exactly know you?" I asked twiddling my fingers, "How is she? After the accident?" They asked kindly, "She's, um, good, but that's besides the point. I really miss my best friend! I miss her midnight rants, I miss all the frustrating nicknames. I want to kiss her; and tell her how much I love her, Nick!" I confessed to my brother, "I miss those sweet butterfly kisses!" I continued, he smiled apologetically.

"She'll Get her memory back! Just show her the things she loves!" He insisted, so that's exactly what I'll do, "Thanks, Nick! I really needed this!" I said, standing up, "You don't want food?" He raised an eyebrow, a confused look played his face, I shook my head indicating 'No'. "We should do this more often, yeah?" I asked, packing up my belongings, "Of course!" He smiled widely, "See-ya, Nick!" I shouted before running back to my car, I fiddled with my keys and then unlocked the car. I reversed out and began driving home, I'm going to get a bunch of stuff from our childhood and help her remember!

She will remember, right?

Yeah, she'll remember, she always remembers!

But what if she doesn't?

(Short chapter, I know. Hopefully it was okay, but it probably sucked. Oh, 🐳. BYE HUMANOIDS!)

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now