Chapter 18.

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•His whispers•
~Finn's POV~
~Time skip to Monday evening~

"I just wish she'd remember me. I miss her cute little nicknames for me, man." I complained, tying my tie.

~Your POV~

"Zip me?" I asked my mom, "You look beautiful, sweetie." She complimented, zipping up my dress. I did a spin and laughed, "You're not coming tonight, are you?" I looked down, although I feel as if I barely know her, I love her. I mean, she is my mother, it would be wrong not to, would it not?

"No, honey, it's my anniversary today. I wish I could've made it." She sighed, "Well, enjoy your anniversary, Mom!" I smiled.

Her not showing wasn't at the top of my importance. I wanted to see him. I know I might seem a bit dramatic, but he's constantly playing on my mind.

I can't think of him, it's like something set me off, everything I felt before just flooded in. Yet, I don't remember him. At all.

Jack apologised for everything, I get it, it's like being pregnant and craving paracetamol, it's like loving a celebrity that will never even know of your existence. You get that one chance of having it and you take it, even if it hurts you so badly. Even if it pains the ones you love.

It's funny how life works.

She turned a knife into your back and now she's calling you 'baby'.


They say 'I love you' to 'I'd fuck you', 'I loved you' to 'Fuck you'.

After a while you don't have hope, you stop believing, you start doubting.

If you've been paying any attention while reading this you would know that he loves me and I keep trying to love him, not everything works like that.

~Time skip to the dinner because my ass is lazy~

"Oh, my. Y/n?" I heard a girl say, I turned around to be face to face with a girl, she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I can't even begin to describe how much I've missed you!" She pulled away and smiled like a little girl with ice cream, I smiled back at her. I felt something with her, she was so..... Intriguing. She looked behind me and her smile tuned to a frown. "I have to go somewhere, but we should catch up sometime!" She told me, I nodded and she disappeared.

(I'm sorry.
P.S. this is your dress

 this is your dress

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Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now