6 - An Unexpected Adventure

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An Unexpected Adventure

(A/N: Erm, well this is different. I hope you guys enjoy it.)

The sun was shining through the circular windows, dust dancing in the rays of glowing light. The stone flooring was chilled below John's large feet but it cooled him down in the summer heat. John glanced out the window and admired the emerald green of The Hill that his Hobbit hole was sat on top of, the various other Hobbit holes dotted around his own. The Hobbit children laughed and played hopscotch in the road, and past The Hill Hobbit's were working in the field to pull up vegetables in time for the party they were having at the end of the week.

All was peaceful which made John happy and that set the scene for his writing. What else would be write about other than the Shire? John had just about finished his sentence when the door bell rang out, almost startling him. He got up and peered out the window, unable to catch a glance at the unexpected visitor. John pulled open the green wooden door to find a rather tall Hobbit stood on his door step, their back was turned to him but he could see their peculiar choice in clothing. A black coat and blue scarf, it was an unexpected outfit for summer. Hobbit's usually wore pale colours and cotton in summer. The Hobbit wasn't just tall, he had a mop of black hair which almost alarmed John, who hadn't been as alarmed my a Hobbit since Old Took who was tall enough to ride a real horse. John was sure this stranger was tall enough to ride a real horse as well.

“Hello, can I help you?” the stranger turned around and smiled at John pleasantly.

“Good day, John. I'm here to ask something of you. May I come in?” John didn't get the time to answer before the stranger invited himself in,  wiping his feet on the welcome mat John had cleaned just that morning.

“Can I get you some tea or bread? You see, I wasn't expecting visitors today or else I would have been better prepared. Perhaps you should come back when we've arranged a better time. I'm actually in the middle of writing-” John blurted out before being interrupted,

“There's no time, John. I want to ask you if you would come on an adventure.” Sherlock asked abruptly,

“An adventure!? I'll do no such thing. Hobbit's don't go on adventures. You won't find anyone around here who'll be willing to go on such an unexpected adventure.”

“That's why I came to you. I've heard stories about Bilbo and Frodo, maybe you have some of that spirit that your ancestors did.” John was shaking his head before the stranger had even finished talking,

“I don't even know your name?” John asked, bemused by such a peculiar Hobbit.

“The name's Sherlock Holmes and I need someone to accompany me on a little adventure. I won't push you into anything John, I thought you would want to find out what life was like beyond the Shire.”

“Beyond the Shire?” Sherlock nodded. “Hobbit's have no place outside of the Shire.”

“Is that what your grandfather told you?” John scowled at Sherlock but sighed. John had always been curious about the stories Grandfather Frodo told him but had never been brave enough, or asked, to make his own stories to tell his own grandchildren.

“When do we start?”

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