7 - Empty Bottle

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Empty Bottle

John took a large gulp of his wine, enjoying the taste of the expensive drink Sherlock had ordered in the fancy restaurant they were eating in this evening, “Sherlock?” John asked, trying to get the attention of the equally as drunk detective,

“Hmm?” Sherlock mumbled, struggling to focus on John,

“How much do you love me?” the blogger asked, getting strangely sentimental.

“Yes.” Sherlock burst, not really understanding the question.

“What?” John asked, confused by his loves answer because it didn't actually make sense.

“Yes, I do love you.” John blushed and put a hand on his cheek as if he was trying to hide it.

“But how much?” he insisted, looking right into Sherlock's eyes worried he was going to get hypnotised so he looked away quickly.

“Lots.” John giggled, feeling slightly dizzy. “Do you love me, John?” Sherlock asked back, playing the same game.

“Of course I do!” John exclaimed, surprised that Sherlock even had to ask. John told him all the time, or at least he thought he did.

“How much?” the detective pressed, taking a couple of sips of his wine and then looked shocked when his glass was empty.

“I would kill for you, Sherlock!” John whispered, feeling amused as he watched Sherlock fill his glass, getting more wine on the table then in the glass before putting the empty bottle back into the ice bucket upside down.

“You have killed for me, John.” The detective stated matter-of-factly.

“Shhh!” John slurred.

“Are we making too much noise?” Sherlock whispered, not understanding that you couldn't say you had killed someone in public. John giggled anyway, finding Sherlock adorable in his drunkenness. Was that even a word?

(A/N: I loved writing from the point of view of drunk!John. I'm really tired so I feel like if my writing isn't too good I can just say it's because John is drunk and isn't going to be making much sense.)

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