8 - Rules of Engagement

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Rules of Engagement

(A/N: The title has nothing to do with the show 'Rules of Engagement' in anyway. Sherlock is clueing for rings. I wrote this with my irl friend Johanna [Who is RecklessL0ve on wattpad] so this is going to be weird. Enjoy.) (Update: it got too weird to write together so I wrote most of it on my own)

Sherlock was sat in his black leather armchair like he usually was when John came home from work,

“Evening love.” John greeted as he hung up his jacket “God, the weather is awful.” Sherlock lifted his head from its position rested against the back of the chair in greeting. “Have you done anything today?” Sherlock shook his head, remaining silent for the first time in a long time. John sat down in his own armchair, leaning forward to place a concerned hand on Sherlock's knee. “Are you alright, Love?” he whispered, starting to feel really worried.

“I am fine, John.” Sherlock broke the silence with. John breathed a sigh of relief. Sherlock's eyes looked at John in an almost pleading manner though telling John he wasn't fine.

“Spit it out.” John prompted, knowing his partner too well to let a look like that pass him by, Sherlock only proceeded to look shocked.

“I have nothing else to say.” he stated, being stubborn.

“Your eyes tell me a different story.” John breathed, tracing patterns on Sherlock's knee making his partner shudder.

John chuckled smugly as he leant back, “Tea?” he asked nonchalantly. Sherlock's eyes widened uncharacteristically as he glanced at the kitchen.

“No!” Sherlock shouted in a panicked tone, leaping up and standing in front of the kitchen so that John couldn't pass him. Sherlock was tall enough to completely block John's view to the kitchen which was annoying.

“Why can't I go in the kitchen?” John asked, concerned what Sherlock had done during today's experiment.

“Go sit down, I'll make the teas.” John narrowed his eyes at Sherlock but didn't budge.

“I'm curious as to what you've done to the kitchen.” Sherlock shrugged, being uncharacteristically casual.

“Nothing. Can't I do something nice for you?” he looked really nervous. John nodded.

“Very well.” Sherlock relaxed which gave John time to reach to Sherlock's side and administer a crippling round of tickles. Sherlock fell to the floor gasping and giggling.

It was John's greatest weapon and a great discovery that he only used tactfully. He stepped around Sherlock and glanced around the kitchen. The laptop was open and just beyond that was a small box.

“What's going on?” John asked, slightly frozen from shock. Sherlock stepped around John and slammed the lid down on the laptop.

“I'm keeping the ring for Lestrade, so that Mycroft doesn't find out.” Sherlock covered quickly, too quickly. John accepted the story though, there was a good chance of it being true.

John sat down opposite Sherlock once he had put their hot drinks down in their respective places. Sherlock didn't react, he was too busy watching John but made himself busy once John noticed his staring.

“So, do you...erm...ever want to get...erm...married?” Sherlock stuttered, getting more and more nervous by the second.

“That is the end game when you get into relationships.” Sherlock nodded, rubbing his hands together and placed one on the ring box.

“So you don't think I need work or changing?” Sherlock asked, looking slightly wary.

“Do I need changing?” John asked back rhetorically. Sherlock knew this was it, his chance. He slid the box towards John,

“There's only one thing I want to change about you,” he said, “Your last name.” he delivered his line and sat back beaming. Realisation crossed John's face.

“You got that off of the internet didn't you?” he asked, looking down at the laptop. “And I knew you weren't keeping it for Lestrade!”

(Hahahaha. You're never going to find out what John's answer was going to be. It's kind of obvious. How could you say no to Sherlock. It's also true that I got the engagement line off of the internet. Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I'm such a bad person.)

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