The Voyage of my Soul

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This is the story of two souls
But only one knows how it goes.
How each other falls out
A journey with no route.
Their skin burns by the ray of dawn.

A symphony of broken hearts
Where a song lost it's tone.
A two edged sword of words
that just passes through the bones.

Intoxicated but still sane
The mind gets its dose of medicine
Mending the loud silence,
while losing a lot of patience.

The breaking truth reveals
Strong voices yearns
But no one hesitated to appeal.
just let the salt heal the burn.

Afraid to let go of all
madness becomes so tall
Yet, imbeciles never learn
what they want is their only concern.

As the smoke clears the path
The lights blinded his sight.
With no helping hand,
Whole body constricted so tight.

As the breathing continues
The rushing blood stops.
Leaving the battle barely alive
The warrior cried so hard to survive.

Walking through the vast of nothingness
The unknown welcomes his presence.

— Brent Hail

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