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Justin shoots and I duck hearing more gun shots. I dive and grab a mans legs and knock him off his feet. I stab him in the chest and grab his gun. I'm still on the ground and shoot another guy that was about to shoot me. I feel hands and I elbow someone in the face. I quickly turn around and shoot. I've taken out the guys threatening me and turn to see how Justin is. I hear more guys come from behind me and I back up closer to Justin.

"What a great first date!" I yell at him.

"I'm new at this!" He yells back.

I shoot and then more chaos happens. I duck again as someone shoots. I fall back and a guy comes and points a gun at me and I kick his hands and shoot him in the head. I turn around and feel a punch to the face. I spit out blood and shoot him in the chest. My face hurts and I see that there's no one left.

"C'mon well worry about you later we gotta go!" He says and grabs my hand. We run to the car and get in and drive as fast as we can go. I look in the mirror and my face is swelling already.

"How great. I get punched in the face on our first date." I say sarcastically.

"I think purples a good color on you." He says trying to brighten the mood.

"Ha ha."

I roll my eyes.

"Can we stop and get an ice pack?"


We stop at the store and he goes inside and gets an ice pack. I hold a cold ice pack to my face and we drive as far as we can until its dark. He pulls off the road and I rest my head against the window and hold my ice pack against my face. We come to a stop and he turns the engine off. I grab my bag and lighter and smoke away the pain. I take away the ice pack and look in the mirror. It feels better and the swelling is gone but its purple.

"I'm sorry about tonight." He says.

"I didn't expect it to be good so it's ok." I say.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I knew something was gonna happen. Even if it wasn't that bad, something was gonna happen."


"I'm gonna go to sleep."

I recline my seat back and lay down.

"It's only 8:30."

"I'm tired."

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.

"Are you upset?"

"No, I'm tired."

It comes out too harsh.


I sigh and turn and face him. He looks up at the roof and I open the sun roof.

"Justin I didn't mean to snap on you like that."

"I just...I kinda did hope tonight would be...normal."


"Yea. Nothing's ever right and thats not normal."

I sigh and smoke another cigarette laying down and blowing the smoke through the sun roof. I feel soft kisses on my throat and smile.

"Why do you always kiss me while I'm smoking, god."

"I can't help it."

"You look so sexy while you smoke."

I can't help myself either and I throw the cigarette out the window after setting it out and crawl onto Justin and kiss him for a long time, just long enough to forget about everything that happened tonight. I run my hands through his hair as his lips trail down my neck. I sigh softly and grip the back of his shirt.

"I'm about to lose my self control if you do that again." He says smiling a bit.

I smile and I feel his hands skim the small of my back under my shirt. I rest my forehead on his and run my hands through his hair. I press my mouth against his again. He still grips my back and I pull away so his hands fall away. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his breaths; fast.

"Are you nervous." I ask.

"Yes." He says.


"I've never been this close to anyone either."

"Are you nervous?"


He kisses my head and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You're so perfect." I say looking up at him.

"No." He says.

"Yes. You're like good at everything and you're-god, I can't even explain it." I grin.

He kisses me for a few seconds and then I pull away and lay my head back down in his chest. I fall asleep and awake still in Justin's arms. I find him awake too playing with my hair.

"I'm surprised were not on the road yet." I say.

"We're taking it easy today." He says.

"How's your bruise?"

He turns my face to see it.


He kisses my cheek lightly and I turn and kiss him for a while. I sit up and he lays down and looks up at me and I smile. I run my hands through his hair and then let them fall and grab on to his. He smiles and I bend down, peck his lips and sit back down in my own seat.

"I'll drive."

I open the door and get out and shut it. I see Justin leaning against the car holding the keys. I walk around the car and try to grab the keys but he pulls them away from me and I fall. He catches me and presses his mouth against mine.

"C'mon we gotta get on the road."

He pouts and I roll my eyes playfully. I reach for them again and he pulls away again.

"Justin! We're so close to Florida now and once we get there well have a lot of fun. We can go to the beach-"

"Sold!" He says quickly handing me the keys.

"You're an idiot." I say shoving his arm.

I look back at him and smile and we get in the car and get back on the road. We stop for an early lunch and eat in the car.

"We should be in Florida by tomorrow if we keep driving all night."


I look at him for a split second and he smiles cutely. I focus back on the road and keep driving. It's 8:20 and we switch spots. I fall asleep and when I wake were in a bed.

"I thought we weren't stopping?"

I turn back and he's just waking up.

"We're in Florida though."

I lay back down next to him and kiss his cheek.

"Then we got a big day ahead of us. First I wanna go see my grandma."

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