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After we're both ready we get in the car and start driving.

"Do I have to meet her?" He asks from the passenger seat; I drive since its to basically my second home.

I shrug.

"If you want too." I say.

It takes awhile because we're a little ways from her town but soon enough were turning down her street. I haven't seen her in forever. Maybe like 3 years or so. When we finally stop in front of her white house I worry. What if she doesn't like Justin; he says he'll meet her. I probably look horrid even though I showered and put on clean clothes. I hand Justin his keys and we get out and walk to the door. I ring the doorbell with a shaky finger and stand for a few seconds.

She looks different. Not older but younger. Well that's my Nonna for you. I give her a big hug and tell her how much I've missed her. She pulls away and I introduce her to Justin and we go inside for lunch. They talk and hit it off and then I ask if we can stay here for a few days and she says of course. I tell her were going to the mall and we leave with her credit card.

"I think she likes you." I say.

He smiles and I smile too.

"Is your mom or dad as nice as her?" He asks.

"Nowhere near it."

We arrive at the mall and I hit every store. Justin gets tired and bored after three stores and sits in the food court while I shop. I finally get to the point where I remember the beach and that I need a bikini. I try in millions and none of them look or fit right. I look fat and awkward. I settle on a pink one and look for Justin. He sits on a couch in the middle of the mall and I get him and tell him we can go to the beach now.

That gets him up and we go back to Nonna's and get ready to go to the beach. I put on my swimsuit and feel insecure and scared. Justin's so perfect and I'm...me. I'm shy, ugly, fat and a screw up. I put on shorts and a sweater over it and grab a towel and slip into some cheap flip flops I bought and walk out finding Justin waiting. I drive since I know where everything is here and find a parking spot and we park and get out and find a spot on the beach.

He is perfect. 8 pack, set jawline, luscious lips, golden brown hair and the most beautiful smile. And I'm...me. Ugly, fat, awkward, short, stringy hair and the most fake smile possible. But I take off my sweater and shorts anyway and Justin looks at me. He smiles and picks me up and kisses me softly.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers.

"I'm fat and ugly and awkward and shy and...terrible." I say.

"You're perfect." He says and kisses me once more.

I have fun anyways. Justin gets in the water first (I push him in). He pulls me into the freezing cold water (its 6 after all). We splash each other and push each other. We kiss and smile and laugh and have fun. Despite how insecure I feel he makes me feel better. He makes me feel beautiful and loved and almost normal and happy and human.

After I feel so beautiful we go get McDonald's for dinner and go home. It's 9 when were back and Nonna is sleeping. We lay together on the couch and sip on our sodas and watch tv. Good tv too. I change after I take a shower into pink shorts and a matching tank and some socks. I brush out my wet hair which feels healthier from Nonna's not cheap shampoo and conditioner. I pull my hair into a ponytail, grab a blanket from the hall closet and lay back down I the couch. I hear Justin taking a shower in the shower down the other way of the house and I close my eyes.

I fall asleep but still feel Justin crawl next to me and wrap his arms around me. I feel him kiss my head and tell me goodnight. I mumble goodnight back and fall back asleep fast. I hear sizzling and talking and I rub my eyes open. I sit up and look in the kitchen to see Nonna cooking breakfast and Justin sitting on a stool. I stretch, get up and sit on the stool next to Justin.

"Morning beautiful." He says kissing my cheek.

I smile and so does Nonna. I help her with the rest of breakfast and we eat bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and fresh fruit. After we've ate I get dressed in some shorts and a random shirt I bought and flip flops. I put my hair in a half up half down(I'm trying to try new things as I've promised myself) and brush my teeth. I sit on the couch drinking some cold tea from this mornings breakfast and wait for Justin so we can go do something together today.

We walk around and get snow cones and smile and laugh and talk. Most days are as simple as that. No trouble. No worries. Just simple fun. Smiles. Laughs. Kisses. Hugs. It's nice and free and happy for once. It's been a nice week and a half so far. Today were going food shopping for Nonna. We leave and go to the grocery store and get a cart and go down most of the isles. I ride on the cart and Justin pushes and we laugh, almost get kicked out and shop for some food.

We stand in the longish line and wait to check out. Once we do I use the money she gave me to buy it. I spot a pack of cigarettes and realize I haven't had one in a week or two. I feel the urge to grab one but I decide not to. We push the cart back to the car and pack in the groceries. I leave the cart in the parking lot and drive back home.

"Two weeks no cigs?" He asks.

"Yea." I say.

"Two weeks no beer."


"Good for you too."

I chuckle and we get home soon and bring in bag after bag until they're all inside. Justin, Nonna and I put the groceries away and it's 5:49 by then so Nonna orders a pizza claiming she's too tired to cook tonight. We all sit in the living room until me and Justin leave to go pick it up. Nonna could've had it delivered but she's old and forgot to tell them that. We drive to the pizza parlor, get the pizza and drive back home. Not home though.

Justin looks in his review mirror and sees a pick up truck following us.

"Shit." He curses.

I look back and see what he's angry about.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Drive in a square and go back home. That usually works."

oooooo shit lol

literally have four fanfics waiting to be uploaded lol

you can obviously tell i have no life whatsoever

happy Memorial Day too thx for everyone serving :)

have a good day ilya

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